YOKO ONO IN LONDON If you like to complement your expe- rience by expressing something for yourself or by participating in a work of art, visit the exhibition of Yoko Ono (1933, Tokyo, Japan) at London’s Tate Modern. This event invites visitors to draw and paint on the walls and ob- jects, follow various instructions for implementing an artwork or perfor- mance, write to a loved one, hammer nails and crawl into sleeping bags like the ones she shared with John Lennon. Entitled Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind, the exhibition showcases her 70-year career creating conceptual and par- ticipatory art, sound, installation, mu- sic and film works. Two particular- ly alluring works are among those Nan Goldin u Berlinu Nan Goldin (1953, Vašington, SAD) smatraju jednom od najuti- cajnijih i najkontroverznijih umetni- ca našeg vremena. Njen medij je fotografija koju izlaže na neobičan način: od fotografija pravi slajdšou koji projektuje na platno ili ekran, nalik na film, ali sačinjen od nepo- kretnih slika. Izložba naslovljena „Ovo se neće dobro završiti“ uključuje šest pro- jekcija, od kojih je svaka smešte- na u posebnu prostoriju i praćena posebnim zvukom i muzikom. Pro- jekcije obuhvataju fotografije na- stale tokom 50 godina umetničke karijere Nan Goldin, koja je počela na njujorškoj kontrakulturnoj sce- ni krajem sedamdesetih. Goldin svojim specifičnim postupkom pri- ča priče iz sopstvenog okruženja, a istovremeno univerzalne – o lju- bavi, intimnosti, mašti, zavisnosti i gubitku. Centralna projekcija izložbe, ma- gnum opus Nan Goldin, jeste rad koji prikazuje umetničin krug prija- telja – boema i kreativaca i pose- ban svet i kulturu koju su stvarali u Njujorku, Londonu i Berlinu u po- slednjim decenijama 20. i počet- kom 21. veka.
for which Yoko Ono is probably best known to fans of contemporary art: a representation of her pioneering 1964 performance Cut Piece, in which she invites the audience to use large scissors to cut off her clothing, and the 1967 short Film No. 4 (Bottoms), which represents a ‘petition for peace’ and features close-ups of exposed body parts of artists and celebrities of the time. It is worth noting that this film was banned in the UK for 50 years. In the spirit of Yoko’s lifelong peace activism, visitors to this exhibition – like all of her exhibitions – are invit- ed to write down their personal wish- es for peace on pieces of paper and hang them on the branches of her Wish Tree.
Do 23. novembra Nova nacionalna galerija At the New National Gallery until 23 rd November
NAN GOLDIN IN BERLIN Nan Goldin (1953, Washington, U.S.) is considered one of the most influential and controversial art- ists of our time. Her medium is pho- tography, which she exhibits in an extraordinary way: by creating a photo slideshow that she projects onto a canvas or screen, similar to a film, but composed of still images. The exhibition This Will Not End Well encompasses six projections, each of which is presented in a separate room and accompanied by special sound effects and music. The pro- jections include photographs from Nan Goldin’s 50-year career, dating back to the New York counterculture scene of the late 1970s. With her specific approach, Goldin recounts stories from her own environment that are simultaneously universal – about love, intimacy, imagination, addiction and loss. The exhibition’s central projection, Nan Goldin’s magnum opus, de- picts the artist’s circle of friends – bohemian spirits and creative minds – and the special world and culture that they created in New York, Lon- don and Berlin in the late 20 th and early 21 st centuries.
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