Aleksandar Denić (1963) srpski je vizuelni umetnik, slikar, filmski i pozorišni scenograf Aleksandar Denić (1963) is a Serbian visual artist, painter, and film and theatre set designer
SERBIA WILL BE REPRE- SENTED IN VENICE with the project Exposition Coloniale by artist Aleksandar Denić and cu- rator Ksenija Samardžija. Ser- bia’s representative was selected through a contest announced on behalf of the Ministry of Culture by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade (MSUB/MoCAB) and the MSUB Foundation. The contest’s objective was to select a project that would address the Biennale’s “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere” theme, curated by artistic director Adri- ano Pedrosa. Denić offered a spatial installa- tion representing a segment of an imaginary global village, or rath- er a universal world suburb, de- void of its inhabitants, while the title “Exposition Coloniale” (Colo- nial Exhibition) is a nod to global structures that were built on colo- nial politics and brought the very notion of geopolitics to life. The author uses light emanating from the objects themselves to construct the congested atmosphere of a film scene, while in reality this is a very sophisticated method of building up a space, filling it and creating its atmosphere. With this meth- od of storytelling, through the lay- ering of narratives and the quest for meaning in the intertwining of multitudes, we are drawn into the subtle magic of Denić’s am- bience, wrote the jury in explain- ing its choice. Aleksandar Denić (1963) is a Serbian visual artist, painter, and film and theatre set designer. The author of a large number of theatre and film sets and stages, both at home and abroad, he has worked with numerous famous interna- tional names and has won a large number of awards.
“KOLONIJALNA IZLOŽBA” / “COLONIAL EXHIBITION” Aleksandar Denić predstavlja Srbiju
Aleksandar Denić represents Serbia
SRBIJU ĆE U VENECIJI PREDSTAVLJATI projekat „Expo- sition Coloniale“, umetnika Alek- sandra Denića i kustoskinje Kse- nije Samardžije. Predstavnik Srbije izabran je na konkursu koji su u ime Ministarstva kulture raspisali Muzej savremene umetnosti u Be- ogradu (MSUB) i Fondacija MSUB. Cilj konkursa bio je izbor projek- ta koji će odgovoriti na zadatu te- mu Bijenala – „Stranieri Ovunque – Stranci svuda”, umetničkog di- rektora Adrijana Pedrose. Aleksandar Denić ponudio je prostornu instalaciju koja pred- stavlja segment imaginarnog glo- balnog sela, ili bolje reći univer- zalnog svetskog predgrađa, bez njegovih žitelja, dok naslov „Expo- sition Coloniale“ (Kolonijalna izlož- ba) ukazuje na globalne strukture
koje su sazdane na kolonijalnoj po- litici i aktuelizuje sam pojam geo- politike. Autor svetlom koje izvire iz samih objekata, gradi zagušenu atmosferu filmskog prizora, ali isti- na je da se radi o veoma istančanoj metodi građenja prostora, njego- ve atmosfere i ispunjenosti. Tom metodom pripovedanja, kroz na- slojavanja narativa i traženja zna- čenja u preplitanju mnoštva, bi- vamo uvučeni u suptilnu magiju Denićevog ambijenta, obrazložio je žiri svoj izbor. Aleksandar Denić (1963) je srpski vizuelni umetnik, slikar, filmski i pozorišni scenograf. Au- tor je većeg broja pozorišnih i film- skih scenografija kako kod nas tako i u inostranstvu. Radio je sa nizom poznatih inostranih imena i dobit- nik je velikog broja nagrada.
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