Shodno strateškim ciljevima i težnji kompanije da dodatno pojača saobraćaj između Beograda i Njujorka, Er Srbija je ugovorila prelazak na Novi Terminal 1 Aerodroma „Džon F. Kenedi“
The Serbian national airline began services to JFK in 2016, while its partnership with New Terminal One reflects the company’s growing commitment to the City of New York
Novi Terminal 1 putnicima će pružiti autentičnu atmosferu Njujorka uz najsavremeniju tehnologiju i iskustvo svetske klase u maloprodaji i ugostiteljstvu New Terminal One will offer state-of-the- art technology and a world-class retail and dining experience, with a strong sense of place of New York
Air Serbia has become the latest international airline to commit to operating out of New York’s world-class New Terminal One at John F. Kennedy International Airport, which is scheduled to begin operating in 2026
THE NEW TERMINAL ONE , which is being constructed in partnership with the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, forms part of the au- thority’s $19 billion redevelopment of JFK Airport. Air Serbia curren- tly operates out of the existing Ter- minal 1 at New York JFK, flying up to seven times a week between Bel- grade and New York. “We are very happy and loo- king forward to the opening of New Terminal One at New York John F. Kennedy International Airport. The partnership with New Terminal One is a testament to the continuous improvement of our services and our commitment to customer sa- tisfaction. We are convinced that the cutting-edge technology, stre- amlined processes and enhanced amenities of New Terminal One wi- ll redefine the way we travel and conveniently make enjoyable jour- neys for our passengers,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. “We are excited to have Air Serbia join our growing portfolio of carriers that will operate at the New Terminal One, offering cu- stomers nonstop service between New York and the historic city of Belgrade,” said New Terminal One President and CEO Dr Gerrard P. Bushell. “As we advance towar-
ds our scheduled opening in 2026, our momentum to become JFK’s terminal of choice for global airli- nes is accelerating. We thank the team at Air Serbia for placing their trust in the New Terminal One and look forward to welcoming them on board.” The New Terminal One has to date announced seven partner air- lines: Air France, KLM, Etihad, Ko- rean Air, LOT Polish Airlines, EVA Air and Air Serbia. More partner airli- nes will be announced in the co- ming months. The New Terminal One, which has the ambition of being ranked among the top five Skytrax terminals globally, will offer state-of-the-art technology and a world-class retail and dining expe- rience, with a strong sense of pla- ce of New York. The terminal’s first phase, comprising the headhouse and 14 gates, is scheduled to open in June 2026. The full opening of the ter- minal is scheduled for 2030. On- ce fully constructed, the terminal will offer 23 gates and 2.4 million square feet of space. The interna- tional-only terminal will be the lar- gest at JFK when complete, occu- pying the footprint of the current Terminal 1 and the former Termi- nals 2 and 3.
stva biće objavljena i u narednim mesecima. Novi Terminal 1 teži da bude među prvih pet na svetu po rangiranju „Skajtreksa“ i putnici- ma će pružiti autentičnu atmosfe- ru Njujorka uz najsavremeniju teh- nologiju i iskustvo svetske klase u maloprodaji i ugostiteljstvu. U prvoj fazi, u junu 2026. godine, na Novom Terminalu 1 biće otvore- na glavna zgrada i 14 gejtova, dok je otvaranje kompletnog terminala predviđeno za 2030. godinu. Ka- da bude potpuno završen, termi- nal će imati 23 gejta i površinu od više od 222 hiljade kvadratnih me- tara. Međunarodni terminal će biti najveći na Aerodromu „Džon F. Ke- nedi“ i zauzimaće ukupnu površinu trenutnog Terminala 1 i bivših Ter- minala 2 i 3.
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 69
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