Marshall x Patta Limited Edition Emberton II Etiketa ulične mode „Patta“ i legendarni audio-proizvođač „Marshall“ udružili su snage kako bi stvorili limitiranu verziju zvučnika „Marshall Emberton II“, inspirisanu karipskom uličnom kulturom. „Patta“ je u svojim prepoznatljivim bojama oživeo rokenrol etos „Marshalla“ – po- vezani zajedničkom ljubavlju prema muzici, stvorili su zvučnik prekri- ven svetlonarandžastom bojom sa višebojnom rešetkom. OSB print drveta obavija zvučnik sa jedne strane, zaokružen zlatnim „Patta“ emblemom. Što se tiče ključnih tehničkih karakteristika: „True Stere- ophonic“ osigurava besprekorno iskustvo slušanja, a zvučnik je opre- mljen „Bluetooth 5.1“ tehnologijom. MARSHALL X PATTA LIMITED EDITION EMBERTON II Streetwear brand Patta and legendary audio manufacturer Marshall have teamed up to create the limited-edition Marshall Emberton II speaker, which draws inspiration from Caribbean street culture. Pat- ta has brought to life Marshall’s rock ’n’ roll ethos in its signature colours – united by a shared love of music, they created a speaker in a vibrant orange hue and sporting a multicoloured grille. An OSB wood print en- closes the speaker on one side, enriched by the Patta emblem in gold. When it comes to the key tech features, True Stereophonic ensures an immersive listening experience, while the speaker is also equipped with Bluetooth 5.1 technology.
Suunto Wing slušalice Ove po svemu neobične bežične slušalice dizajnirane su za atlete u pokretu. Finska audio-kompanija time nudi novi način za doživljava- nje zvuka onima koji su stalno aktivni. Ovo su slušalice koje zvuk šalju kroz korisnikovu lobanju umesto kroz njegove bubne opne, omogu- ćavajući mu da i dalje bude svestan zvukova iz okruženja radi bez- bednosti. „Wing“ slušalice imaju otvoren dizajn, izrađen od titaniju- ma i silikona, a uz to su vodootporne i prilagodljive visokim i niskim temperaturama, te se udobno nose ispod kape.
Wilson Airless 3D-Printed Basketball Sportska marka „Wilson“ objavila je da će njihova „Airless Gen1“ bi- ti prva 3D-štampana košarkaška lopta dostupna za kupovinu. „Airle- ss Gen1“, direktni potomak „Airless“ prototipa, ima nekoliko izmena usmerenih na poboljšanje performansi i efikasnosti proizvodnje. Ke- vin Marfi, generalni menadžer timskih sportova u „Wilsonu“, izjavio je: „Ponelo nas je uzbuđenje zbog našeg „Airless“ prototipa i znali smo da je došlo vreme da ovu retku inovaciju prvi put predstavimo svetu“. WILSON AIRLESS 3D-PRINTED BASKETBALL Sporting goods brand Wilson has announced the release of its Airless Gen1, as the first 3D-printed basketball available to buy. As a direct de- scendant of the Airless Prototype, the Airless Gen1 boasts several en- hancements aimed at improving performance and the efficiency of its production. Kevin Murphy, General Manager of Team Sports at Wilson, said: “We were overwhelmed by the excitement from our Airless Proto- type, and we knew it was time to bring this rare, first-of-its-kind innova- tion to the world.”
SUUNTO WING HEADPHONES These wireless headphones, which are unusual in every aspect, are intended for athletes on the move. With this new product, Finnish au- dio company Suunto is offering a new way for those who are con- stantly on the go to experience sound. These headphones send soundwaves through the user’s skull as opposed to the eardrums, thus allowing the wearer to hear ambient sounds around them, help- ing them stay safe outdoors. With an open design, these Wing head- phones are crafted from titanium and silicone, while they are also wa- terproof and adaptable to high and low temperatures. They can also be worn comfortably under a cap.
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