Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia OD ANTIKE DO DANAS / FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE PRESENT DAY Putevima rimskih careva Follow in the footsteps of Roman emperors U Srbiji postoji čak sedam izuzetnih lokacija koje pričaju o najmoćnijoj državi svog vremena i o čak 17 imperatora koji su rođeni na ovom tlu / Serbia has as many as seven exceptional locations that stand as testimony to the most powerful state of the time and the grand total of 17 emperors who were born on this soil
BOGATSTVO RIMSKOG NASLEĐA NA TLU SRBIJE i či- njenica da je na ovom prostoru ro- đeno ili živelo, pretpostavlja se, čak 17 rimskih imperatora, dovoljno je impresivna. Kada tome dodate veličanstvene arheološke lokacije koje su ostale iza njih, jasno je za- što bi trebalo da prođete njihovim tragovima. Na tom putu kroz isto- riju obiđite Sirmijum (Sremska Mi- trovica), Viminacijum (Kostolac), Trajanovu tablu i most (Đerdap), Dijanu (Kladovo), Feliks Romulija- nu (Zaječar), Medijanu (Niš) i Ju- stinijanu Primu (Lebane)… Ali da krenemo redom. THE WEALTH OF ROMAN HERITAGE ON THE TERRITO- RY OF SERBIA , and the fact that as many as 17 Roman emperors are presumed to have been born or lived in this area, is impressive enough. And when you add to that the magnificent archaeological sites that they left behind, it is clear why you should follow in their footsteps. On that journey through history you will tour Sirmium (Sremska Mitro- vica), Viminacium (Kostolac), Tra- ian’s tablet and bridge (Đerdap), Diana (Kladovo), Felix Romuliana (Zaječar), Mediana (Niš) and Jus- tiniana Prima (Lebane)… But let’s set off one at a time…
Tekst / Words: Vanja Filipović
Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos, Profimedia
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