The Gooden School - At A Glance

The Gooden School inspires students to be intellectually curious and resilient while preparing them to lead lives of kindness, integrity, and respect. Schedule a visit to our idyllic campus in Sierra Madre by clicking the link at the top right corner.


The Gooden School inspires students to be intellectually curious and resilient while preparing them to lead lives of kindness, integrity, and respect.

HOW DOES THE SCHOOL ENRICH ITS ACADEMIC PROGRAM? The Gooden School offers music. Spanish. STEAM, physical education, art, and drama to all of our students from kindergarten through eighth grade. Middle School students take part in band or orchestra and participate in Faith Ei Ethics class and various electives. Fourth through eighth-grade students also study Latin.


Beginning in fifth grade, students are surveyed and The Gooden School offers electives based on those interests. Thus, electives could include subjects such as debate, sketch comedy, singing. coding and robotics, self-defense, TED Talks, and yearbook.

DO YOU HAVE AFTER-SCHOOL ENRICHMENT? Ga nAdSoPf f{ Ge roso ed ne rni cAhfmt eern- tS cc lhaosos lePs rtohgarta vma)riyn cel au cd he st rsi tmuedsyt eh ra. l l gT oy pl fi,ccael lrya mt hiecsse, LrEeGg uOl arrol yb oi ntci cl usd, uekdual enlcee, a, ynodgSap, ac nr oi schh e t . c h e s s , or Mandarin immersion.

WHAT DOES HOMEWORK LOOK LIKE? t a H h o t e m o o o e l p w t p o o o r r r k t e u i i n n s f i o t d y r e c v t e e o l s o p k p r i a l m ls c e . t H n ic t o e a m l s ly e k w i a ll p o s p r i r n k o d i p n e r p K i e a - n t 5 e d a e a l n l n o t d w ly u s a s c n e h d d il d b a r s e e g n in Md ei dvde ll eo pSi cn gh oao lg sr et ua dt ee rn tsse an rsee eonf graegsepdo ni ns il bo inl igt ey rf- toer rtmh epi rr owj eocrtks. raes twe netl li oa ns odfa isl yu bwj eo cr kt mt oa at tt et ar .i nAbl l estttuedr ecnot ms pa rr ee haesnksei od nt oa nrde a d daily. T he Gooden School is mindful of � tahned nper oe vd i df oe rs bmaal annyc oe papnodr tf ua mn i ti liye st i tmoe , cfoormtphleetdeayh.omework before leaving

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN EPISCOPAL SCHOOL? Episcopal schools have been established as ecumenical and diverse ministries of education and human formation for people. The Gooden School community includes a rich variety of members from diverse religious, cultural. and socio-economic backgrounds. Students of all faith traditions attend chapel weekly.

7 1 Average • Ratio



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EthnicDiversity 4 5 °/ o








Religions& Denominations Represented � ······9 . ®. . . . . . . . . *·····� Students can experience up to 25 different musical instruments

Enrichment Classes 5 6 After-School • Offered Each Trimester


Average Teacher Tenure Years

DO YOU HAVE MANDATORY PARENT VOLUNTEER HOURS? TT hh ee rGeoaordeennoSmc ha on do al . tAol rl yp avroel unnt tsebeer l oh nogu rtso a t tahree Ge on cood ue rna Fg ea md itl yo gAi svseo2c i0a thi oo nu r(sGoFfAs)earnvdi c e and to be involved in their childs education.

WHY UNIFORMS? Uniforms allow our students t on foot caupspoe na rsacnhcoeosl .. I ts edlef ,mp oa nr ts torfaot ue rs sac hr eosopl emc ot tftoor.

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