
YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of November 13 to 19, 2016


ARIES Your social life is going to keep you busy this week. A lot of people want to see you and you’ll do a lot of travelling to make it happen. You’ll also have a lot of catching

up to do. TAURUS


You’ll be feeling the need to redecorate your home, so expect to do some shop- ping this week. You might be tempted to put up your Christmas decorations as well. GEMINI You’ll benefit from being creative, or from being a little lazy too. You could just as easily create a masterpiece as spend the week contemplating one. CANCER You feel out of place in a large crowd. Thankfully, you meet some people who will inspire and motivate you to take on new challenges. LEO You’ll feel the need to procrastinate this week. Your loved ones will help you get your priorities in order while putting a smile on your face. This helps you to discover a wonderful joie de vivre. VIRGO You’ll soon be embarking on a spontan- eous trip, even though it seems an unlikely project. At work, you’ll build a clientele that will bring you success and wealth. LIBRA You’re on your own unfortunately, at work and at home. Certain people will recognize your commitment and reward you for your efforts. SCORPIO Big changes are on the horizon. Just follow the music and your worries will simply disappear. Certain pet projects could develop more quickly than you think. SAGITTARIUS A financial issue at work needs to be clarified, which may cause tense negotia- tions. You’ll need to focus on balancing the different spheres of your life. CAPRICORN Love will play a big role this week and you will enjoy some special romantic moments. A colleague might also declare their love for you, albeit unexpectedly and somewhat inappropriately. AQUARIUS You’ll need plenty of rest to recover from a bad cold. Be prepared to spend a few of your sick days, which will mean bringing some work home with you towards the end of the week to catch up. PISCES Communicating with certain people will be difficult. Don’t be surprised to sud- denly hear from everyone all at once. Chances are, your phone won’t stop ringing!

ACROSS 1. To’s companion 4. Dance and music, e.g. 8. Lower digits 12.Free (of) 13.Gather 14.Mr. Chamberlain 15.Fruit cooler 16.Out of service 17.Supporter 18.Favorable votes 20.Florida islands 22.Conclude 24.Couple 27.Suffer a pain 30.Constraint 31.Fringe 32.Possibility 34.Evade 36.Gallop 37.Rows 39.Shop sign 40.Omelet ingredient 41.Spoken 43.Seven-card ____ 44.Action words 48.____ together (join)

51.Fully mature 53.High mountain 54.Uncertain 55.Deserve 56.So ____, so good 57.Well-mannered guy

26.Forewarning 27.Yard unit 28.____-a-lug 29.Suspend 33.Charge


35.Morse ____ 38.Type of tire 42.Incident 43.Disagreement 45.Finn’s method of travel 46.Dull 47.Limber 48.Be tardy 49.Apply 50.Misters 52.Favoring

58.Mail drop 59.Your, once DOWN 1. Brawl 2. Take a taxi 3. Poems 4. Emerge 5. Rosy 6. “The Jazz

Singer,” e.g.

7. Swiftest 8. “____ the night . . .” 9. Grease 10.Addition shape 11.Eye ailment 19.Biblical location 21.Strong desires 23.Beasts


24.Catch 25.Polish

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 16 novembre 2016

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