Advanced Balance Studio. Helping Arthritis Pain

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Theprognosisofmemory lossanddifficulty with cognition is hard to fathom if you’ve never watched it happen in a loved one. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but that does not mean there is no hope. A lot of research and attention has been put into helping people with Alzheimer’s disease live longer, happier, healthier lives, and there have been several breakthroughs in recent years that are incredibly encouraging. One such breakthrough is the realization that being active and engaging in targeted exercises can often delay the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. EXERCISE IS BELIEVED TO HELP ALZHEIMER’S IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS: • Exercise can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s for those who are exhibiting

need to be successful with your workout plan. Physical therapy helps to stave off Alzheimer’s by combining target exercises and physical activity with cognitive training and socialization. By staying active, exercising your mind and body, managing stress and doing your best to live an overall healthy lifestyle, you will put yourself in the best position possible to put off the advancement of Alzheimer’s and enjoy life for years to come. Don’t attempt to fight Alzheimer’s on your own. Getting involved in a prevention program can pair you with the skills and support you need to stay healthy. Call us at (310) 833-0300 to find out how we can help make a prevention plan that’s right for you.

early symptoms, as well as reduce the risk of developing the disease for those whohaveastronggeneticpredisposition to the condition. • Exercise improves balance and coordination, which reduces the risk of injury from a fall and thereby reduces risk of inhibited mobility. H O W P H Y S I C A L T H E R A P Y P R O V I D E S S U P P O R T F O R ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Working with a physical therapist is a smart choice when you are facing Alzheimer’s. As part of a targeted program that is designed to introduce the best exercise practices to support optimal cognition, you will learn a series of exercises, helpful lifestyle strategies, and get the encouragement you

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