Orange County Youth Council Visits Virginia General Assembly for Youth Legislative Day Tradition
By: Alisha Vines, Director, Orange County Office on Youth
The Orange County Youth Council is a group of 8 th – 12 th grade students appointed by the Board of Supervisors to act as liaisons between the youth of Orange County and the Office on Youth. They are active throughout the year and assist with many community projects. Examples of their involvement include adopting seniors for Christmas, helping run the Father - Daughter and Mother - Son dances, raising funds for the local Animal Shelter and Michael ’ s Gift youth activities scholarship program, and more!
In addition to service, the Council advocates locally and at the state level regarding issues affecting the youth. Their advocacy has had real impacts. In fact, the Council members were called upon by Senator Bryce Reeves in 2013 to suggest steps the legislative body should consider to help prevent suicide. The Senator was inspired after hearing the Youth Council Chairman ’ s speech at the local legislative dinner that December. The group worked very hard to quickly research and craft a document for Senator Reeves ’ consideration prior to the 2014 General Assembly session in January. The Office on Youth is proud to facilitate such student involvement and help the youth utilize their voice.
To continue the tradition of involvement, the Office on Youth organizes an annual trip to the Virginia General Assembly. The trip affords the students the opportunity to meet with their state legislators and observe the General Assembly; and allows new members to learn more about state government. On February 10, 2022, members of the Orange County Youth Council traveled to Richmond with the Office on Youth Director, Program Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, and a parent chaperone. The morning began with a 9:30 a.m. appointment with James Manetz,
Legislative Aide to Senator Bryce Reeves, followed by a 10:00 a.m. appointment with Delegate Nick Freitas, as both of their offices represent Orange County. Youth Council members were encouraged to prepare questions ahead of time related to topics of their concern or interest. They did not disappoint! They were very vocal and interested in how the General Assembly works, as well as hot topics in the news and issues affecting them. Mr. Manetz and Del. Freitas were generous with their time and answers. After the meetings, the Council members and chaperones walked to the Virginia State Capitol and sat in on the House of Delegates session. Delegate Freitas recognized them from the floor. Members observed the daily routine of visitor introductions as well as the start of the day ’ s business. They also learned about the Student Page Program, which allows youth to assist Delegates during session by serving as runners or helping in other ways. With the business part of the day completed, the group left for lunch and proceeded to Mission Laser RVA for team building and group activities, ending a great day on a positive note.
Page 4 | March, 2022
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