FPA's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives



All employees receive eight hours of paid volunteer time each calendar year for team and company volunteer events. Additionally, they are also given eight hours of volunteer time to use on their own. This can be used all at once or split up and used for different events. Each employee who has completed their 90-day probation is eligible for this benefit and is able to use the time to take part in peaceful marches, activities tied to support for social justice causes, and charitable volunteer work of their choosing.

The total includes a $3,406.00 donation from employees in addition to the company match A total of $6,812.00 has been donated to the Equal Justice Initiative, Seizing Every Opportunity (SEO) and The National HBCU foundation


Mandatory Training(s):

Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion Refresher Recognizing and Responding to Microaggressions

Optional Training(s):

Overcoming Racial Bias + Understanding Racism Designing an Equitable Workplace Dress Code

Live Session(s):

Cultivating Women Leaders in Multifamily

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