Annual Report (2018-19)

Highlights The Society’s 2018-19 total revenue increased year-over-year by approximately $2.25 million, to $31.07 million. This represents an increase of approximately 7.81% over the previous year. The main source of growth was an increase in Provincial funding of $1.61 million, compared with the previous year.

Revenue for the Year Ending March 31, 2019 Provincial 73.2% Miscellaneous 1.1% Cost Recovery From Related Party 4.5% Sales and Fees 1.6% Client Rent Contributions and Rental 2.8% Donations 0.8% Other Funding Agencies 6.5% United Way 1.0% Municipal 0.5% Federal 7.9% Expenses for the Year Ending March 31, 2019 Wages and Benefits 65.3% Donations in Kind 0.5% Client Housing 5.5% Contracted Services 4.8% Interest 0.1% Fees Paid to Clients 5.5% Food Service and Supplies 1.0% Program Costs and Training 6.3% Office 3.5% Building Occupancy 7.6%

Highlights Total expenses, increased year-over- year by approximately $2.70million, to $30.66million. This represents an increase of approximately 9.66% over the previous year. The increase in revenues and expenses, produced a net decrease in operating surplus of approximately $450,000, or 52.57% under the comparable surplus amount in the previous period. Overall, OCS had a very good financial year and remains in excellent financial condition. The Society’s total excess of revenue over expenditures, for the year, amounted to approximately $406,000.


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