fr. . . 75% cheat on their income tax”
His wonderful provision. Our house is thirty-three years old and this year our tax bill increased 100%, so that our taxes were upped accordingly. No doubt many of you have experienced a simi lar situation. That is why when it comes to talking about taxes or tribute, such as we have here in verse 6 of Romans 13, it comes home most force fully. In looking at the early Christians we find they had many remarkable traits. One was that they sang always: they sang when in worship or sang under torture; they sang when facing the lions in the arena or when weary under their masters. They confounded unbelievers when they sang at the time of paying •their taxes. Now this is not given for amusement of thought, rather it is given as a testimony which is our heritage of the years back of us. I think it a wonderful fact that the Holy Spirit of God used the matter of taxation to literally fulfill the prophecy which was uttered many years before the birth of our Lord. “For to pay the tribute, Joseph and Mary went to Beth lehem where Jesus was bom of a vir gin.” Now, in verse seven of Romans 13, we find the reason given for this, “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” As we stated earlier in the series, our Lord Jesus spoke of this very principle when He walked the streets of men. When the Pharisee tried to confuse Him our Lord took a coin and said, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things which are God’s.” He instructed Peter in the method of catching a special fish which would have in its mouth a coin with which Peter was to pay the Lord’s taxes. In every avenue and walk of life the Lord Jesus has set us the per fect example. 10
tlio Christian citizenship chapter of the Bible. Verse 5 reads, “Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wroth, but also for conscience sake.” The Apostle tells the Christians that they need not be fearful of a ruler if they have obeyed the laws of the government. Our reason for doing that which is right in the sight of the* au thorities, is not just because we are afraid of the judgment which might come for our wrong doing, but be cause of our Christian conscience. In illustration may I say that if my children behave only because they fear a spanking, then I, as a father, have failed in my teaching, for I want them to behave because of their love and respect for their parents — it should transcend the fear of punishment. Even so a Christian’s love for his Lord should transcend punishment or infractions of the various laws. We are told that about 75% of the people cheat on their Income Tax. At the same time, we are told that 90% of the people attend church—so that means that some church members are cheaters. Now, if I refrain from cheat ing on my Income Tax because I want to live up to the principles of God’s Word and do not want to bring re proach upon His name, then I am liv ing up to this verse: “Ye must needs be subject, not only .for wrath, but also for conscience sake.” Now the sixth verse causes me to re flect for a moment. Let me tell you a personal incident. About four years ago, a very wonderful Christian woman, one who has known me all of the days I have lived, came> and asked me, “Would you like to buy my house in Los Angeles?” She had been renting it. Naturally my wife and I had never thought of owning a home since we are in Christian service and would not be able to make such a purchase. But this lady made it possible and we thank the Lord each day for her kindness and
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