A TRIP TO THE HOLY LAND 'Twould be a joy if I could see it, That land where the Saviour walked; The quiet roads in the gloaming, The hills where He sat and talked. M y heart would be ever searching For some dear trace of Him there; His footprints in the meadows, The tones of His voice in the air. M y hand would be ever questing, With fingertips athrill, For an ancient wall or a rock where His touch might linger still. M y feet would falter in anguish At the place where my dear Lord died; M y very soul would be sobbing, M y heart would be crucified. Yes, 'twould be joy could I see it, But my cup is filled to the brim With the hope that soon I'll be see ing Not the land where He dwelt— but Him! — Martha Snell Nicholson nedy—as a Christian my responsibility, according to the teaching of this verse, is to uphold the one who has been chosen to govern us. The Bible admonishes us to pray for those in authority. I am the first to say that I might not be in accordance with the measures of the president, and per haps some members of his party, and maybe his own cabinet are not either, but that does not remove my responsi bility to fear or to have a conscientious regard and honor for him. I hope I have njade this point clear. May there not be any misunderstanding. Peter reminds us to honor our leader; to have a veneration and esteem for him. I wonder what would happen in his life, and in the life of our nation if more Christians prayed more earnestly, and complained and criticized less. I can not help but wonder, and I know my own heart needs to be convicted on this very point.
GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS What can I give to men whose empty eyes Trouble my thinking at this Christ mas tide? Lord, make me humble, loving, strong, and wise, That I may give them Christ, the crucified. Let me not choose the lesser gifts of earth, That pass in dust and are futility: Lord, at this sacred season of Thy birth, Let me turn from giving things, to giving Thee. What can I give to Thee, oh, God above? (There is so little that our God could need) And yet, in all my dreams, Thy heart of love Is wounded still: I see it break and bleed With naught to staunch the flow — except I bring Some ransomed soul, called home from wandering. — Helen Frazee-Bower CHRISTIAN AND GOY. (con*.) Tribute here symbolizes the taxes which one would pay to his govern ment . . . such as personal and property tax. Custom was the tax which was levied on that which was brought in and sold. It would not be stretching the translation to state that this represents our present sales tax system. You see, the Holy Spirit is careful to show that what belongs to this world should not be of consuming interest to the Chris tian; rather he is to set the example and follow the Lord in all his walk and holiness before unbelievers and believ ers as well. Fear means a conscientious regard for the one who is ruling over us. These programs do not delve into the realm of politics, nor do these messages carry any political overtones; however, I want to make this frank statement, that while I did not vote for President Ken
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