gin of this question. They ask, “In 1st Samuel 16:21 why didn't Saul know David? A. Actually First Samuel 16:21 reads: “And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he became his armourbearer.” The implication here is that Saul did not recognize David although he had been the one who had slain Goliath earlier. The facts are that this is an indication of the truthfulness of the record, be cause Saul, like many folk, was under great pressure at this time of war and there were umerous matters of state which required his care. I am not so sure but that Saul, all through his life, was not troubled with some kind of mental difficulty, and that makes it en tirely credible. It is true that David would need to be introduced to Saul a second time. This is definitely a mark of the truthfulness of the record. Q. From Eugene, Oregon comes this query: “Do you believe that Commu nism is the beast power that is to rule for the short time in the end of times?” A. I would suggest that the phrase might better be termed “at the end of the age.” All Bible scholars that we know anything about are quite agreed that Ezekiel 38 refers to Russia, the king of the north, and it is spoken of in Daniel 11:40 whore we read that the king of the south shall push at him, and the king of the north shall come at him — that is the antichrist — like a whirlwind. As to Communism, No, it is not the antichrist, but it might well be the king of the north, one of the four great powers that w ill emerge at the end of the age. The antichrist will overcome ithe king pf the north, the king of the south, the armies of the east and he w ill become the world power. Q. A Long Beach listener would like to know if the antichrist w ill be a Jew? A. The answer to this question rests upon the identification of the antichrist.
Many take him as a political leader — the first beast •— Revelation 13. Here he would be the head of the revived Ro man Empire and would be a Gentile. However, some think he (the anti christ) equals the false prophet and he is a religious leader — the beast of Revelation 13:11 to the end. The one that comes up out of the earth is a re ligious leader, and is the one in II Thessalonians 2. He sits in the temple of God saying that he is God. The political leader w ill be at Rome. The religious leader w ill sit in the tem ple at Jerusalem claiming that he is God. Both w ill be demon-inspired and Revelation 13 indicates they w ill be dominated by Satan. Q. An interesting letter comes from Denver, Colorado and the writer would like to know if belonging to a secret organization would have a definite ef fect upon a believeds testimony. A. Since I do not belong to a secret or ganization, and am therefore ignorant of their vows I do not know-that I can answer this question in its entirety. Perhaps it is the better part of Chris tian wisdom to belong to the body of Christ, the true organization or organ ism, and then our testimony w ill not be handicapped in any way. However, there have been many very wonderful men who have belonged to a secret or ganization and we would not discount that fact. But it might be better not to be tied in with such an organization. Q. A t Walla Walla prison there is a splen did Bible Class of men. This listener asks about a statement from a book which says that Paul must have been two different men because of Galatians 1:15-22 that he did not communicate with the Apostles upon his conversion but that in Acts 9:18-20 and 26-50, he states that he joined them immediately. A. This is one of those cases where, if the truth is not stated in exactly the same words it is thought to be invali dated. Now read carefully Acts 9:18-20 16
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