Radio Supplement
TV TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. Thou shalt not permit thy tele vision set to come between thee and devotion to Christ and the church. 2. Thou shalt not cause it to be come a graven image, demand ing above its due in time and money. 3. Thou shalt not prize any pro gram of higher value than the prayer meeting or the Sunday evening service. 4. Thou shalt carefully evaluate the programs and not permit thy mind, or the minds of thy chil dren, to become so cluttered with base thoughts that the vir tues of Christ and the presence of His Spirit are crowded out. 5. Thou shalt seek, in the pro grams, a balanced diet of enter tainment, information, educa tion, and inspiration. 6. Thou shalt be prompted to turn off the TV set upon arrival of company and to turn it on only when it will be an aid to gen uine hospitality. 7. Thou shalt not permit the tele vision to crowd out family con versation, counselling, and de votion — but to use it for the mutual benefit of all members. 8. Thou shalt use its dramatic ad vertisement as opportunities to teach children what is wrong with the wrong, and what is right with the right. 9. Thou shalt enlist the support of fellow Christians in expressing approval, by mail, of respect able programs and sponsors. 10. Thou shalt enlist fellow Chris tians in expressing, by mail, dis approval of such sponsors and programs as oppose Christian concepts and convictions. "When Someone is Praying For You" The weary one had rest, the sad had joy that day And wondered how? A ploughman singing at his work had prayed, "Lord, help them now." Away in foreign lands they wondered how Their feeble words had power— A t home the Christians, two, or three, had met To pray an hour. Yes, we are always wondering, won dering how, Because we do not see Someone unknown, perhaps and far away, On bended knee.
January, 1962 broadcaster ABOUT TH IS SPECIAL ISSUE "The Wearer"
M y life is but a weaving, Between my Lord and me, I cannot choose the colors, He worketh steadily; Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow And I, in foolish pride. Forget He sees the upper And I, the under side. Not till the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly W ill God unroll the canvas And explain the reason why The dark threads are so needful In the Weaver's skillful hand A s the threads of gold and silver In the pattern He hath planned. A Bible stuck in me today. July 1st . . . Packed in a suitcase with clothes and other things. Off on a vacation, I guess. July 7th . . . Still in the suitcase. July 10th . . . Still in the suitcase, though every thing else has been taken out. July 15th . . . Home again . . . Quite a journey, though I don’t see why I went. August 1st . . . Rather stuffy and hot. Have two magazines, a novel, and an old hat on top of me. Wish they’d take them off. September 10th . . . Finally. Clean-up. Dusted and set right again. September 12th . . . Used by Mary a few moments to day. She was writing a letter to a friend whose brother had died and she wanted an appropriate verse. October 5th . . . Was carried to church today — Rally Day i — and I was even held up high to be counted. Glad I can be of some use. December 31st . . . Tomorrow, I expect to have a knife run into me by each member of the family, blindfolded in turn, and then a finger placed on the page to find their good luck verse. Sup pose their finger rests upon John 5:39: “Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life . . . and they are they which testify of me.” This, the diary of a Bible. I won der, could it be your Bible speak ing . . . could it be mine?
During January special messages have been presented by members of the Biola faculty, possessing earned doctorates, on the important theme, “THIS WE BELIEVE.” In order to publish these vital addresses, other broadcast features are printed this month only in this supplement. The BROADCASTER is a monthly pub lication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., and distributed to Biola Fellowship members and other friends. January 6th . . . Despite resolution . >. . been rest ing quietly for two days. The first four days of the new year, my owner read me regularly, but he has for gotten me, 1 guess. February 2nd . . . Clean up. I was dusted with other things and put back in my place. February 3rd . . . Owner used me for a short time, looked up a few references. Went to Clean-up. Dusted and in my old place again. Have been under a stack of magazines since my trip to Busy day. Owner had to look up some references. He had an awful time finding them, although they were right there in their places all the time. May 5th . . . In grandmds lap. She’s here on a visit. She let a tear drop on me opened to Colossians 2:5-7. May 6th . . . In grandmds lap again this after noon. My, it feels good. She spends most of tier time in I Corinthians 13 and on the last four verses of the 15th chapter. May 7th, 8th, 9th . . . In grandmds lap every afternoon now. It’s a comfortable spot. Some times she reads me, and sometimes she talks to me. May 10th . . . Grandmds gone. Back in the old place again. She kissed me goodbye though. June 4th . . . Had a couple of four-leaf clovers Sunday school. March 7th . . . Sunday school. April 2nd . . .
Diary O f
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