I n the B ook of Matthew, we are told that two signs of the end of this age will be those of pestilence and famine. Two very interesting signs, indeed, and which we may yet see with our own eyes. I recently heard an atomic scientist state that one of the greatest dangers to mankind, following a nuclear war,
think in terms of famine seems para doxical. Yet, we must remember that we are faced with a population explo sion. Then look at such countries as India with their great population in crease and not nearly enough food — they have a gnawing, ever-present famine. It could happen here. So we see that we are looking at two
The Christian and His Government
Romans 13:5-7
of the possible and literal fulfillments of prophecy. Not that these w ill actual ly come to pass but they are a realistic picture at which we must look. This should cause each believer to look up and know that his redemption draweth nigh. Such things should become in tensely interesting to us as we study Biblical prophecy, as well as the clear teachings of God concerning the Chris tian’s proper responsibility to h i s government. As a basis for our study we turn again to Romans, chapter 13 which is (continued on next page) 9
might not be the fall-out, but rather the over-running of disease carrying pests such as rodents, insects et cetera. These tiny creatures are not affected by atomic radiation, and such devastating explosions would only serve to drive them out of their hiding places. They would multiply and their development would not be impeded in any way. Pestilence, a sign of the times, is now before us as a marked possibility. Secondly, famine. Recently, while traveling through the great midwest, especially through Kansas—I saw great granaries, filled to overflowing. To
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