King's Business - 1969-04

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school days, including seminary, a haunting sense of personal inade­ quacy grew within him. As a pastor, he was driven more by fear than by faith. Rather than admit his fears, he denied their reality. The result was disgrace for the man, depriva­ tion for his family, and multiplied crises for the churches he served. Yet through it all, God's grace is seen as Russell comes to accept him­ self as he is and realizes God’s for­ giveness. His life story is of the struggle to leave behind the world of fantasy and to live in the real world. It makes an engrossing, tale, all the more so because it really hap­ pened. The sequel is even now being written, for James William Russell (a pseudonym) is presently a mem­ ber of a church, a lay member serv­ ing as church librarian for the con­ gregation. The strange inner work­ ings of the human mind are exposed for the reader. And the reader may catch a glimpse of himself — of his own “ Stranger In the Mirror,” as he follows the events in Russell’s life­ long struggle from fear to faith.— 215 pages; cloth; Harper & Row, New York: $4.95. Reviewed by Rob­ ert D. Posegate. THE INFALLIBLE WORD A Symposium by Members of the Faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary The re-publication of this work comes at a time perhaps more pro­ pitious than when it was originally issued in 1946. Questionings con­ cerning the extent of inspiration have recently plagued evangelicals with one work written specifically to nudge them away from inerrancy ( The Inspiration of the Scriptures — by Dewey Bugle, 1963). The Infalli­ ble Word, a symposium by members of the faculty of Westminster Theo­ logical Seminary, presents the case for a high view of Scripture through such outstanding authorities as John Murray, “ The Attestation of Scrip­ ture” ; E. J. Young, “ The Authority of the Old Testament” ; N. B. Stone- house, “ The Authority of the New Testament” ; and Cornelius Van Til, “Nature and Scripture.” Excellent contributions are also made by John


This inspiring missionary autobi­ ography presents, as the title indi­ cates, a vivid example of what God can do through human instrumentali­ ty yielded to His will. A moving ac­ count of her background in the early days of the development of the rugged Imperial Valley of California shows how these youthful experi­ ences fitted the author for the life of a pioneer missionary. As the fas­ cinating story of her life and that of her family unfolds, a glowing picture is seen of the effective work of two great missionary enterprises with which she and her husband, Dr. Don Turner, have been identified over the years — the Orinoco River Mission of Venezuela and the Voice of the Andes, HCJB, of Quito, Ecuador. Described are miracles, adventures, heartbreak, tragedy, comedy and out­ standing triumphs of the Gospel. The Turners and many of their family are graduates of Biola and this book is highly recommended to those con­ templating foreign missionary serv­ ice. — 286 pages; paperback; $2.50; World Missionary Fellowship, Box 691, Miami, Fla. 33147. THE STRANGER IN THE MIRROR by James William Russell as told to Edward R. Sammis James William Russell was a prom­ ising young minister. Graduating from seminary, he entered the pas­ torate with great zeal, pouring him­ self into the responsibilities of preaching, counseling, church build­ ing and community service. The con­ gregations he served were given new vitality. Yet the whole story involved much more. What had Russell to do with the fur-clad lady walking the city streets? Or the elderly Negro sitting on a bar-stool? Or the prosperous businessman interviewing prospec­ tive employees? What had Russell to do with the swindler who duped the aged farm couple into surrender­ ing their lifetime savings? A childhood glance into a mirror resulted in a growing conviction of his personal repulsiveness. Through


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