King's Business - 1969-04

other fellows had been praying that God would send someone along to help them. They added a lunch-time Bible study, moved the group inside to a test cell, began passing out The Christian Air­ man, and grew. Some thirty to forty men have since become ac­ tively involved there at T.W.A., and some have accepted Jesus Christ right there under the shad­ ow of the big jet engines. Gene Hays has proved that it is possible to live for Christ on the job. He does not shirk his duties or talk when he should be working. But while some men re­ veal their heart condition by their cursing, filthy talk, and gambling during breaks, he reveals his by teaching the Word of God and speaking o f the grace of Christ. His prayer is that Christian men, in industry everywhere, may be encouraged to do the same. Q 8 C la s s i f ie d A d s 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Bibles and Books RELIGIOUS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD! Any book reviewed or advertised in KING'S BUSI­ NESS available from Kreoel's Book Store, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's larg­ est Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaranteed. Norris Bookbinding Company, Box 305 *K, Green­ wood, Mississippi 58930. Three Inspirational Booklets "You Can Double Your Sunday School"— "Facts about the Bible"— 'Sevens of Revelation.'' 35 cents each; any three for one dollar. Christian Service, 1768 North Ainsworth, Portland, Oregon 97217. Miscellaneous Witness With Scripture Tracts. 100 assorted— 25 cents; 500 assorted— $1.00. Scripture Wit­ ness, 102 Sussex St., Newton, New Jersey 07860. Help Wanted Mature Christian staff workers needed for large rescue mission. Board, room and compensation. Single or married. Write, P.O. Box 202, Seattle, Washington 98111. Independent Fundamental Church desires pas­ tor. Write Box 572, Holtville, Calif. 92250. Faith ministry needs prayerful support for Every Home Scripture Crusade and Christian Home for Children. For details write Evangelist John Raj, Post Office Box No. 89, Tirucnirappalli, 1. S. India. (See helpful advertisement on back cover.)

WHERE CAN A JEW FIND CHRIST? On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen­ ters, our workers faith­ fully proclaim the story of redemption accord­ ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos­ pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney Général Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, III. 60645 to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the Lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs. generous income, and

mission. They found that very few men refused it. Written in railroader’s terminology, the little paper was eagerly received by men who would have snubbed an ordinary Gospel tract. Eventually, the lunch-hour Bible study group had as many as 46 attendants, and several men made confessions of faith in Christ. Gene’s desire to be a witness was greatly aided by this on-the-job fellowship. Eventually, Gene began to be burdened for a Christian airmen’s work. The Railway Mission, or­ ganized in Toronto in 1930, had become, by 1960, a Christian Transportation Movement with a work and a specialized paper not only for railroaders, but also for airmen, busmen, and postal work­ ers as well. Kansas City had a big Trans-World Airlines Main­ tenance facility, and Gene want­ ed to get an on-the-job witness established there. "The work at the Santa Fe was going well, and I just felt my mission there had been fulfilled,” ' Gene says. "All the men had been witnessed to, and we were passing out 300 copies of The Christian Railroader every month. I asked the- men to pray with me about the need at T.W.A.” Soon the d o o r at T .W.A . opened. Gene applied for a job there and was hired — for the midnight shift. The superinten­ dent at the Santa Fe, upon learn­ ing that Gene was leaving, said to him, “ You’re not going to leave these fellows here high and dry, are you? We want you to come back and visit once in a while!” Gene was glad to agree. Over at the airline, things de­ veloped slowly at first. No one seemed to want to meet with Gene for prayer. After four months, he was transferred to the twilight shift. One evening, Gene gave a copy of The Christian Airman to his leadman. “ Say, there are two or three fellows who meet for prayer out back during t he i r break,” said the leadman. “ Prob­ ably you would like to join them.” Gene soon discovered that the

A Jewjsh boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Por­ trait of Messiah" and immediately asked, "Can you tell me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicago a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac­ cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav­ iour. A middle-aged Jew­ ess, after hearing the gospel for several years ot Miami Beach called and. said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come vover. I must find the Lord today."

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