below that. I connect with them first through their heart and then I’m able to connect with their minds. Their mental, emotional, and physical well-being has always been more important to me than content, even when I was a Language Arts teach- er. I will do what I can to meet their needs in my classroom, since most of the time, learning can’t happen when bigger things are occupying their thoughts. Being this type of teacher reinforces empathy and compassion, which creates a stron- ger bond between me and my stu- dents. Then the sky’s the limit when they have to complete challenging content work in class. How do you motivate students? May: I give them, and treat them, with respect and trust from day one. When I give it first, they respect it be- cause most adults demand respect from them first since they are “kids.” I also walk them through the think-
ing and working process. I don’t just explain an assignment and let them loose to figure it out by themselves. I set them up for success in the way I scaffold assignments into smaller steps, which helps build their con- fidence and skill level. I give them class jobs, the freedom to stand up if they can’t sit still, and I want them to talk a lot with each other about all the topics we cover. Mainly, I motivate them with love, patience, kindness, and humor/silliness. When they realize how much I truly care about them and how I REALLY have their backs, they return the favor and do the work I ask. May: My favorite part about teach- ing are the “aha moments” I get to witness when my students accom- plish a task they never believed they could actually do. It may take YEARS or DECADES for this to happen sometimes, but when former stu- What is your favorite part about teaching?
dents reach out and tell you how you made a difference in their life...this is the teacher’s jackpot, the “lottery winning moment!” To be a part of those life-changing moments makes this the greatest job and profession in the world! May: Write a letter to your favorite teacher, or reach out on FaceBook/ Instagram, and tell them how you are doing and what you remember most from being in their class. Your words are our “Bonuses” that mean What’s something you’d like everyone to know? the most to us! Thank you, Mrs. Osborn–Kindergarten, Mrs. Patter- son–1st grade, Mrs. Wishon–3rd grade, Miss Lang–6th grade, Mrs. Frawley–junior high Spanish, and Ms. Olson–high school Psychology... I aspire to bring the love of learning you brought into my life. Here’s to each of you for being my incredible superheroes!
2024 | 21
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