Go Magazine | Issue 53


W ater, and plenty of it, is an absolute must for improving the health and appearance of your skin, from the inside out. The skin is your body’s largest organ, and it is the first place to show signs of dehydration. Signs your skin needs additional hydration include dryness, flakiness, a rough texture, a dull, greyish appearance, and redness or flushing. Factors which can compromise your body’s fluid levels are illness, especially when accompanied by a fever,

Refresh and restore Water is essential to maintain your skin’s elasticity and suppleness, and it ensures proper hydration of the body, helping to dilute and expel toxins as well as helping to prevent blemishes. Drinking at least eight glasses of pure water every day will leave your skin looking smoother, more hydrated and, as a result, visibly younger. Eating juicy fruit and fresh vegetables will also bump up your water intake. However, remember that your water requirements will increase in hot weather – the recommended amount is roughly a glass every hour. Get into the habit of toting a water bottle wherever you go. Add lemon or cucumber slices to jazz things up, or try skinB5 Clear Skin Superfood Booster, which replaces the electrolytes that you lose when you sweat on a hot day or during exercise. It also contains nutrient- rich hemp and superfruit powders and marine collagen. As well as hydrating from within, you need to care for your skin from the outside in, by protecting it from the elements

e x c e s s caffeine, a hot or dry

environment, and being physically active. Thirst may also be confused with hunger: if you think you’re hungry, try a glass of water first.

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ISSUE 53 • 2019

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