provided that the requested service does not demand substantially more time and effort than that provided by other members of the faculty group.

A CADEMIC P ERFORMANCE , P RODUCTIVITY AND P EER R ECOGNITION The Department of Ophthalmology encourages faculty members who hold an appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track to teach well, perform clinical or laboratory research, write and publish original papers based on their research and/or clinical experience in peer reviewed journals, present their original clinical or scientific work as posters or platform presentations at ophthalmic specialty or subspecialty meetings, and perform other scholarly work such as composition or editing of books or book chapters. None of these activities is required of any clinical faculty member who holds an academic appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track to retain his/her faculty appointment; however, all such faculty members who desire eventual promotion to a higher academic rank must recognize that the Department of Ophthalmology expects them to have academic interests and production above and beyond that required for Program Participation (see above) and to achieve peer recognition for their academic performance commensurate with the desired academic rank. The Department will not recommend promotion in academic rank for any faculty member in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track as a reward for a high volume of patient care, a high level of billing for provided patient care, a high level of revenue collected for provided patient care, seniority/length of faculty service, and/or collegiality. Departmental guidelines for Academic Performance, Productivity and Peer Recognition that will merit promotion to the different academic ranks for faculty members in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track are listed below under subcategories of Teaching Quality, Research/Scholarly Work, and Peer Recognition for Teaching, Research/Scholarly Work, and Clinical Expertise. All faculty members must have achieved the specified rank-specific peer recognition to merit promotion. However, faculty members requesting promotion in academic rank from Instructor to Assistant Professor may fulfill the criteria for Teaching or Research/Scholarly Work and still merit promotion; however, those requesting promotion to Associate Professor or Professor must fulfill the criteria specified below for both Teaching Quality and Research/Scholarly Work. Teaching Quality Faculty members who hold an academic appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track but desire promotion to a higher academic rank than they current hold must be able to document the quality of the clinical teaching they provide to trainees (medical students/residents) and to other members of the academic community at UC. The principal ways in which they may do this are (1) by submitting summary results of the annual residents’ comments of clinical faculty performance (obtainable from the Department’s Administrative Office) showing that his/her teaching performance was rated by them as at or above a minimal level linked to the desired academic rank (see below) and/or (2) by receiving Clinical Faculty Teacher of the Year Awards from the ophthalmology residents. Additional information that may help support the application for promotion in the area of teaching include teaching assessments/evaluations from other trainees, audience members, and peers at local, regional, or national meetings, which may be on file in the Department’s Administrative Office) and/or provided by the applicant for promotion. Weight will be given to the development and organization of new and innovative teaching or evaluation methods, the restructuring of clinical services to include a greater educational component, course of resident rotation organization and administration, as well as participation on departmental, college, and national education committees.

For promotion to a particular academic rank, the following guidelines regarding teaching performance will apply.

To merit promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor A faculty member who holds an academic appointment at the rank of Instructor in the Non- Tenure Clinical Service Track and desires promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor in this track must have received, on average, an overall good evaluation from trainees, peers, and supervisors during their annual evaluation of faculty academic performance for each of the three years



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