(1) fulfill the criterion of intra-Departmental name and subspecialty recognition by all members of the Core Academic Clinical Faculty as described for faculty members requesting promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor (see above); and (2) have received at least ten of the types of peer recognition listed above (or other types of recognition judged by the Departmental ARPT Committee to be of comparable importance) during the entire period of his/her faculty appointment (including any period of time served as a faculty member of another University Department of Ophthalmology), with at least five of them having been received during the three years immediately preceding the application for promotion. R ESOLUTION OF D IFFERENCES BETWEEN D EPARTMENTAL AND C OLLEGE OF M EDICINE G UIDELINES The guidelines for Appointment/Reappointment and Promotion of faculty members who hold (or desire to hold) an academic appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track in the UC Department of Ophthalmology contained in this document are intended to be supplemental to the guidelines contained in the Faculty ARPT Guidelines of the UC College of Medicine. If any of these Department specific guidelines conflict with the guidelines contained in the UC College of Medicine Faculty ARPT guidelines, then the relevant Departmental guidelines will prevail. On any issues that the Departmental guidelines are silent, then the UC College of Medicine Faculty ARPT guidelines will prevail.
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