Whatever format the unit devises, it must address teaching, advising, educational innovation, research and creative activity, university, professional, and public service, and other accomplishments pertinent to the mission of the unit balanced according to the unit’s mission and workload.


Each academic unit must establish procedures for the annual performance review of all faculty members. These procedures shall be established with the full participation and approval of the members of the faculty within each academic unit and library jurisdiction in the Bargaining Unit, but are subject to written approval by the appropriate dean or library administrator and by the appropriate provost. After approval, all annual reviews shall be conducted according to these procedures. The AAUP and the Administration will make available to academic units examples of performance review instruments and procedures as well as consultation as requested by the academic unit. It is expected that with experience, the procedures developed initially may be modified; any modifications shall be with the full participation and approval of faculty, dean, and provost. Each annual performance review shall conclude with the joint preparation of a written summary of the review. Either the Academic Unit Head or the faculty member may indicate in writing any differing opinions about the content of the summary statement and such written opinion shall become part of the summary statement. These statements shall become part of the personnel file maintained by each academic unit and a copy of the statement shall be given to the faculty member. Each Academic Unit Head will annually certify, in a report to the appropriate dean or academic administrator, that all faculty have undergone performance reviews. This report will enable the unit also to convey or address its resource needs for the following year. It might be expected that if annual performance reviews are integrated with workload procedures and mission statements reports could be made about the ways each academic unit is attaining its stated mission both for individual faculty members and for the unit as a whole. Academic Unit Heads present a particularly difficult dilemma for annual performance reviews. They face in at least two directions: towards the faculty and towards the administration. Therefore, the annual performance review of academic unit heads shall take into account their role as faculty members and administrators in their unit. In carrying out the annual reviews, deans must consult with the faculty in the unit about the review of the head.



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