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Venkat Chinni KWRI

KW Cares supports not only KW Family members but also qualifying spouses or domestic partners, children, parents, and siblings facing financial hardship due to a number of life-altering circumstances. When a family member is struggling with something like unmanageable medical bills for necessary treatment, KW Cares is there.

KW team member Venkat Chinni has always been close to his older brother, Raghu Nikhil Chinni. In early 2020, Raghu Nikhil and his wife, Harika, traveled to India on a family visit. What was supposed to be a two-week trip turned into two years due to COVID-19. Because of his prolonged absence and mass layoffs at his company, Raghu Nikhil was let go and lost his H-1 VISA status. Raghu Nikhil was finally able to plan a return home when he was granted

his student visa to pursue a PhD in Computer Science.

Two days after his admission, on June 27, 2022, Raghu Nikhil and Harika were involved in a massive multi-bus accident. His spine was crushed, leaving him paralyzed from the chest down, with limited mobility in his upper limbs. Harika sustained a concussion and shoulder and spinal fractures. Returning to the US to attend his PhD program was no longer an option. The couple did not have medical insurance and India doesn’t have a universal healthcare plan so his brother, Venkat, has been the main financial provider for his family. Venkat and his father are fully bearing the weight of the medical bills



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