2023 Milestones

Grant Achievements

• Increased assistance in the life-altering grants category by 45% as requests surged largely due to industry challenges

• Responded to 9 disasters, for a total exceeding $209,000, including over $107,000 for the Maui wildfires response, with ongoing relief being awarded to KW Family members affected by this disaster

• Provided an additional $429,285 in assistance to those who continued to be impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Ian

Organizational Achievements

• Successfully closed out our first board approved two-year strategic plan and accomplished all of our goals

• Retained platinum status with Candid, which only 1% of nonprofits in the U.S. achieve

• Completed a clean audit of our financials for the third year in a row by an independent audit firm

• Launched the Kathy Neu Award, honoring philanthropy within Keller Williams

20th Anniversary Achievements

• Awarded 6,563 grants to members of the KW Family since 2003

• Provided $63,015,599 in grants and relief

• Tithed $7,009,379 to external nonprofit organizations

• Sent grant or natural disaster relief funds to every region in KWRI



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