Year 11 Course Booklet

Prep courses All prep courses can lead to either English 201 or English 202. Direst ambition An investigation into the nature of ambition – from Shakespeare's dire warnings to Andrew Niccol's optimistic exhortations. We find that literature across the last four centuries has a lot to teach us about our fundamental human nature. Prepare to feel discomfort. Alternative reality No sooner do we learn the rules of storytelling: the value of a linear plot, an heroic character and a believable setting - and we find it all upended by authors and directors who ask us to look at the familiar from a new, distorted point of view. This course will bend your mind. In darkness and in light Gothic fiction as a response to The Enlightenment. An exploration of this genre in terms of style – how literature shines a light, or casts a shadow, on the ideas of its time. Articulation and manipulation Looking at how to address the age-old problem of representation (and misrepresentation) in literature. Who has the loudest voice and who is missing from our view?

On the cutting-room floor Explore visual texts as a mode of storytelling. Look specifically at how a director's choices do make a difference. Text types: cartoons, graphic novels, film. Recommended for students interested in film studies. It's the little things that count Look at thematic connections in film and literature that celebrate moments of joy and beauty. This is all about looking at the little moments of pleasure in the everyday. Text types: poetry, film, creative writing. Recommended for students interested in the joy that can come from a good story. An eye for an eye: retribution and revenge Delve into the distinctly human phenomenon of revenge. Text types: short stories, creative writing. Recommended for students interested in exploring philosophical ideas and applying them to different texts. Yeah... nah. For all our advances as a country, the cultural cringe is still alive and well. This course will examine New Zealand’s contemporary identity as it appears in some of our most iconic literature, language and visual art. Text types: short stories, poetry, film, creative writing, visual art and contemporary spoken language. Recommended for students who want to understand our place in the world.


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