Year 11 Course Booklet

Ngaˉ Miha Maˉtauranga

The Christ’s College Diploma is designed to acknowledge achievement inside and outside the classroom. We believe that learning takes place in several ways and boys should be recognised for all their strengths.

Ngā Miha Mātauranga is the means by which this achievement is tracked.

The seven elements of Ngā Miha:

Academic engagement Showing a commitment to learning through active participation in class, completion of expected work, and contributing to creating a positive learning environment. Character and Leadership A demonstration of Christian principles in what you say and do and utilising your character strengths for the good of yourself or others; helping to lead others to be at their best.

This means ‘the fronds of education’ or more figuratively, ‘unfolding knowledge’. The ‘miha’ is the tender young frond of the bracken fern which grows lushly in the forest and on the hills of the countryside.

This design symbolises the lush growth of the young as they spread out and become fully grown. The academic frond is the largest and all other fronds are off shoots of that. The Christ’s College Hauora Cross is also symbolically at the centre.

34 Year 11 Course Booklet 2025

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