Imagine being able to make healthcare decisions that are uniquely suited to you. The key to personalized healthcare is in your DNA. Genetic testing allows you to look into the past, present, and future to better treat ge- netic diseases, proactively manage your health and well-being, and make better healthcare choices for you and your family. Founded in 2015 on the campus of HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, the Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine, LLC., is a nonprofit medical clinic that uses the power of genetic tests, whole genome sequencing, and genetic counseling to deliver
Proactive Health Testing Because DNA holds important information about our health,
knowing the ins and outs of our genetic makeup empowers us to be proactive and make informed healthcare decisions.
Carrier Testing Over 2 billion people carry genetic disorders that can be passed on to their children. Carrier testing can help inform couples who are planning a family of their risks to have children with certain genetic conditions. Because our first child struggles with several genetic disorders, testing helped us know whether or not our second child would face the same risks. — Hannah Kennamer Smith Family Clinic carrier testing patient and mother of a pediatric clinic patient
important genetic information to patients, opening the door to improved healthcare.
Did You Know? l Many common health
Pharmacogenetic Testing Common medications such as statins, blood thinners, antidepressants, or pain medications may not work properly for everyone, and if you are one of those for whom these drugs are less effective, pharmacogenetic testing could provide important information for your care.
conditions have a genetic cause, such as heart disease, hypertension, and neurological problems
l A genetic diagnosis can help patients get treated by specialized physicians, access new treatments, and even receive healthcare coverage for screenings l Knowing the genetic cause of a disease may help patients’ families identify their own risk for disease l An estimated 95% of people have a gene variant that can affect response to at least one common drug, making some drugs more effective than others l Nearly 8 million children around the world are born with a genetic disorder, and 10% of pediatric deaths are caused by an inherited genetic disorder
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