The Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine depends on philanthropy to fund vital services Make a gift that improves and saves lives by supporting the Smith Family Clinic through a gift to the HudsonAlpha Foundation.
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Donations made to the Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine are part of the HudsonAlpha Foundation Scientific Advancement Fund.
The Smith Family Clinic offers patients answers that can only be found through genetic testing, adding tremendous benefit to our community’s patients and physicians. We depend on philanthropy to offer these essential services. — Meagan Cochran, MS, CGC Director for The Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine
601 Genome Way Huntsville, Alabama 35806 256.327.0422 email:
The HudsonAlpha Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is the supporting entity for the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. Tax-deductible contributions to the Foundation are for the sole purpose of advancing the mission of the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology.
Tax identification #27-2320591
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