Atrium Sales Training Catalog 2019


The Sales Process 101 reviews all the steps of the Sales Process including Greeting, Qualifying, Presenting, Handling Objections, and Closing. The training is done in a blended approach combining online with leader led in the classroom. It is a two-day program in the classroom.

Pre-work: Attendees use a self-read module on Preparing for the Call and Greeting, followed up with a quiz that has to be submitted to HSI. A second option to this brief self-read module is an online course called: Preparing for the Call and Greeting. This would provide more extensive training.

• Attendee takes the online course, Effective Qualifying Skills. They then complete the online test. • Attendees create a Qualifying Guideline for a market segment they handle and submit this in advance. • Attendees participate in a group telephone coaching call that recaps the skills learned in the pre-work.

On Site: Day one, we then pick up with training on Effective Presentation skills in the morning and have the attendees prepare their presentations that would be used when speaking with the customer via phone. • The afternoon of day one, we break into smaller groups of 6 to 8 for live role plays. The customer calls from outside the hotel to the manager who is on a speaker phone. They conduct the inquiry call using the skills and preparation completed thus far. • After each role play, there is a critique by the observers. For each group of 3 managers, the observers determine “who won the sale.” The winner receives a $10 bill. • On the morning of day two, we work on Closing Skills and Follow-up. • On the morning of day two, we also provide training on Handling Objections. • Participants then prepare their response to an objection from the customer to whom they spoke the day prior. • The afternoon of day two, we break into the same smaller groups for live role plays. The customer calls from outside the hotel to the manager who is on a speaker phone. The manager responds to the objection using the skills and preparation completed in the morning. • After each role play, there is a critique by the observers. For each group of 3 managers, the observers determine “who won the sale” based on how they handled the objection. The winner receives a $10 bill.

Pricing is $695 per person with 10 or more participants, plus costs related to travel, hotel, and shipping of materials. Hosting hotel would provide the function space and audio-visual equipment required.

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