2022 Q3

Lister at HLister@rife.com. Joining the Board of Directors for a local chapter is a great start in understanding the work and effort needed to host these awesome events but also a way to reach personal and professional goals through growth. For additional information regarding HADOA please view our website: www.HADOA.org. ………………………………… MID-AMERICA ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER ANALYSTS (MAADOA) Association based in the Wichita, KS Area (Inactive)

For more information regarding DADOA, please visit our website at www.dadoa.org. ………………………………… Submitted by Heather Lister HOUSTON ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER

ANALYSTS (HADOA) Association based in the Houston, TX Area

Howdy from Houston! The members of the HADOA 2022 Board of Directors are happy to report that we have had great attendance this year. Prior to this article, our June full day seminar hosted 37 attendees who were educated on a wide variety of topics including Texas Unclaimed Property, Curative Practices, and Definitions of Legal Entities. May was our first in-person only event this year and we had a wonderful 30 people in attendance who heard from Ms. Shellie Williams at Enverus on Do’s and Don’ts of Customer Service. In March, HADOA hosted Paul Strickland with Hargrove Smelley & Strickland who discussed various Louisiana title matters to 16 in-person attendees and 28 virtual attendees. Although this article will be printed after our August speaking event, there are currently over 20 attendees signed up to attend a presentation on the Anatomy of the Oil and Gas Lease by Mr. Ryan Kirby with Kirby, Mathews, & Walrath. As we move into last quarter, we want to remind everyone that our last educational luncheon of the year will be September 29 and although we are not yet ready to share details on the speaker and topic, we are excited to close out the year with this presentation. Our annual Holiday Charity Luncheon is currently scheduled for December 9, and we cannot wait to see who our President, Armando Lopez, chooses as our Charity of the Year recipient. Make sure to follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook) for all the latest and greatest that the Board of Directors is hosting! As always, if you have any suggestions for topics, speakers, or co-sponsored events, email us at admin@hadoa.org. Board of Director nominations for the 2023 year will be quickly approaching, so if you know someone who would be a great leader in our industry or if you are interested in joining, please email Past President, Heather

………………………………… Jennifer Oden, CDOA, Local Association Reporter PERMIAN BASIN ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER ANALYSTS (PBADOA) Association based in the Midland, TX Area

Hello there! Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer, west Texas is definitely ready for some cooler temps! PBADOA has currently been on break for the last few months, but we are excited to meet again in September. We will continue to meet with PALTA for the rest of the year. We are also thrilled that our old venue, the Bush Convention Center, will be up and running for our fall luncheons. PBADOA is pleased to announce we were able to award two scholarships to the NADOA Institute in San Antonio. We are looking forward to hearing about our candidates’ experiences there. See ya’ll in October! For more information regarding PBADOA, please visit our website at www.pbadoa.org. …………………………………


N at i onal A ssociation of D i v i s i on O rder A nalys t s

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