2022 Q3



Michele Lawton, CDOA 2022 NADOA President

Hi everyone! I am getting so excited to see everyone in person at Institute this year. The weather in San Antonio should be amazing in October.

The Institute Committees have been hard at work to bring you exciting networking opportunities and great learning opportunities this year. Come meet all those people you only talk to through e-mail. It is such a huge difference meeting people face-to-face. Networking is a big part of being successful in this industry. Make sure to take the time to meet new people and expand your contacts. We have seen plenty of ups and downs in the industry in recent years. It feels like we are headed in an upward position again and it so great to see job openings popping up. Being a member of NADOA can give you the extra edge you need to secure those new openings. Through our cost-free webinars, the industry updates in the quarterly newsmagazine, and the CDOA certification program, you will always have the tools to sharpen your skills and further develop your career. Let us know what topics you have an interest in seeing for future webinars and classes. We love to hear from our members. NADOA is all about leading its membership into the future of the industry.

October in historic San Antonio is going to beautiful. Come early and stay late to enjoy everything the city has to offer. I cannot wait to see everyone this year!

See you soon!


G rowth T hrough E ducat i on - J uly / A ugus t / S ept ember 2022

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