King's Business - 1942-05

Hay, 1942


X 8 B K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

maining silent or must quickly, raise my hand. I raised my hand, for I do sincerely believe, not only the Genesis story o f creation, but every other story within the Word of God. How little I knew what that simple action would involve! T h e o t h e r young people seemed to be greatly delighted that there actually hap­ pened to be one of these queer people in that very room. It was almost too interesting to be true. The Witness Is Called The professor was greatly inter­ ested in the step I had taken and asked whether I would mind telling the class why I accepted this theory. I might have felt that it “just hap­ pened”—but nothing just happens in the life of one who walks and talks with the living God—that two weeks previous to this experience my class of high-school girls in Sunday-school had asked me to spend one class hour proving to them that the Bible and science are not contradictory one to the other. I had spent many hours preparing the lesson, and the facts I had taught were still fresh in my memory. Along with making other state­ ments, I now told the philosophy class that archaeology is proving the Bible to be historically and geographically accurate and that leaders in the fields of science and research are being forced to the conclusion that no scien­ tific errors or contradictions are to be discovered in the Word of God. Ancient science frequently contra­ dicted the Word, but true science does not in any way lead one to doubt the accuracy of God’s written revelation to men. If it is necessary for men, many of whom do not even profess to be Christians, to come to these con­ clusions regarding the Bible as a whole, it is only logical for us to accept Genesis 1 and 2 as scientifi­ cally correct. As I spoke, there were many “Oh’s” and “Ah’s”, and hands were being waved excitedly through the air. JUst a few seconds remained before the close of the period. The professor asked whether I would like to bring my Bible to another class period some time la^er and prove every statement that I had made! Humanly speaking, I might have become frightened and might have said, “Oh, no, I just couldn’t do that. I, believe what I have said; and if I were a more advanced Bible student or a preacher I might be able to prove my statements; but I just couldn’t.” But God’s Word was on trial; I had been called to the witness stand; a most outstanding opportunity for tes­ timony before those who knew Him not had been offered, and by His grace, I accepted the challenge.

of books on the Bible and science and told me to use them without cost as long as I desired. God had called; He was now providing for every need. . Because I realized that my testi­ mony would be of no value unless I knew as much about science, history, archaeology, etc., as did the other students in my class, I spent many ( hours in preparation. The majority of Christians who are well acquainted with their Bibles are entirely ignorant of these other subjects and make such absurd and incorrect statements con­ cerning them that the world does not care to hear their testimony. The task seemed impossible; some­ times I felt that I must give up and tell the class that I could not accept their challenge. In these moments of my discouragement and fatigue, God sent His ravens with precious prom­ ises from the Word, or books and leaf­ lets that met the exact problem at hand, and new courage and deter­ mination entered my heart. For three weeks I studied and prayed. The Lord had given me a Christian teacher in another course who released me from all tests, papers, and assignments, and still another teacher who made my work lighter that I might give more time to philosophy. (Romans 8:28 even applies to teachers under whom the child of God studies.) At last, the hour -of the trial ar­ rived. I had thought that I might be very nervous, but as I wakened and looked into His face and bathed my thinking for the day in His Word, there was a quietness and confidence that thrilled me. The Trial Progresses After roll had been called, the class members were asked to use their Bibles that they had brought from

Preparation of the Witness As I met Christian friends at lunch or in thè halls, I told them of the privilege that was to be mine; but it was not until I was at home and alone that I first realized what I had promised to do. The realization so thoroughly frightened me that I felt as though I must go to the professor the next morning to tell him that the task was too great, that I could not possibly discuss the subject before those young people, many of whom knew far more about history and sci­ ence than I, and with a professor who was the head of the philosophy de­ partment in his own university. If I were only a preacher, I felt, I would gladly accept the challenge, but the task was far too great for me. Yes, it was too great for me, but I was a child of the living God, the God with, whom nothing is impossible. I had been summoned to the witness stand alone—no, for He and I would stand together. His Word, not mine, was on trial; the responsibility rested entirely with Him. He was merely asking me to serve as His mouthpiece, His microphone through which He might bring His message to young people who needed a Saviour. I do not know how ' word of that which I had promised to do spread as quickly as it did, but in a few hours many who were strangers tele­ phoned and assured me of their pray­ ers. Several Christian colleges and Bible Institutes and many churches sent word that they were holding special prayer meetings for wisdom and strength. Letters and leaflets and books from many churches and from a number of cities came almost daily; Christians wrote encouraging letters; the Biola Book Room sent a number


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