King's Business - 1942-05

TWO WAYS TO MAKE 1942 YOUR BEST DVBS Send today for copy of Brand New Va­ cation Bible School Handbook by Nel­ son: co v e rs every phase of DVBS ac­

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tivity from preparation .tel actual teaching of the lessons. Excellent training course for work­ ers. 128 pages, 20 chapters, 60c per copy. STANDARD COURSES VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL are outstanding in their Bible association; timeliness of subject matter; ^beauty of ex­ pression; interest and enthusiastic response. Courses cover Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, Intermediate grades Descriptive Prospectus, FREE on request. Dept, 5 THE STANDARD PUBLISHING CO.| 8 TH a CUTTER SJS.................. CINCINNATI, OHIO

OFFICE O F THE CHAPLAIN F. A . Replacement Center Fort Bragg, N. C.

March 21, 1942

Circulation Manager, “ The King’s Business,” Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Sir:

We are planning to open a reading room in connection with the chapel. It will be open to the general public, but will especially serve the men assigned to this chapel. This means that several thousand men will be served by this read­ ing room each year. Our desire is to furnish this room with con­ temporary religious literature. Would you be so kind as to assist in this proj­ ect? We would like to have a subscription to “ The King’s Business.” Many thanks for the favor of an early re­ sponse. Sincerely yours, (Signed) GEORGE L. YOUMAN, Chaplain.

A grand boy! Think how his whole future life will be influenced as he regularly receives a check from the American Bible Society! The American Bible Society Annuity Agreement has never failed in 100 years to pay its holders the agreed upon return. And when you guard and influence this young man through the years, isn’t it a stirring thought to realize that you are taking part in the increasingly impor­ tant work of making the Holy Bible more widely available throughout the world? Let us send you “A Gift That Lives”—a booklet that tells how this Plan will work for you! TODAY -------- 1 Please send me, without obligation, your booklet K B -21 entitled “ A Gift That Lives” MA I L THE C O U P ON American Bible Society, Bible Bouse, New York, N. Y.

$3.00 WILL PROVIDE FOUR COPIES OF “ THE KING’ S BUSINESS” FOR USE IN CAMPS OR READING ROOMS OR BY MISSIONARIES. Gifts of any amount are earnestly sought, because the need is very great. Names and addresses of military centers or of missionaries that will receive and use THE KING’S BUSINESS are also desired. Please write today. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

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