King's Business - 1942-05

May, 1942



time nor space, and, even though He went to be with God, He would be . , with them, too. ‘ Before He went away, He told them He wanted them to go into all -the world and preach the gospel, the good news. The words which He spoke to them were meant for us, too, for Jesus still expects His work to be carried on by human lips and hands, Did you ever watch your mother make a cake and wish that she would let you help? Perhaps she let you give the egg-b e a t e r a few twirls. Wasn’t it fun to have a part in such important work? Now think for a moment of Jesus’ last words. He said that we could help in the most im­ portant work in all the world—that of bringing others to Christ. Even a child can tell others about Jesus. Do you want to help in His great work this week? You will, if you love Him. . He has said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

the claims of all the little strutting dictators of the present hour. I am glad that all authority is in the hands of Christ. It Is safe there, and will be exercised in His own good time. Golden Text Illustration M ark 16:15 Silence is not always golden. It is sometimes negligence. The following story is told of a case lost in court by the silence of an attorney: “The distinguished Samuel Hoar, father of the late Senator Hoar, once said to a jury that the case was so perfectly plain that he would not in­ sult their intelligence by arguing It. The jury returned In a few minutes with a verdict against him, and when the astonished lawyer asked the fore­ man how the jury could have returned such a verdict, he received this an­ swer: ‘The fact is, Squire, we all agreed that If anything could be said for a case, Squire Hoar could say it, and as you didn’t-say anything, we concluded to render a verdict against you.’ ” How often effective, testimony for Christ Is lost because the one who should give it thinks there is no need of it, while the one who would hear .it, because of silence concludes that the matter Is not accounted important enough to speak of it!—The Bottles of Heaven, by Revilo. Why We Send Missionaries M a t t h e w 28:16-20 MEMORY VERSE: “If ye love me, keep my commandments” ( J o h n 14:15). APPROACH: Have you ever read on the billboards of in the advertising section of a magazine or newspaper, these words, “Say it with flowers” ? This phrase means that the best way

WHO Shall BeVictor?

Daringly confident, serenely secure in his conviction of the sufficiency and victory of Christ; Dr. Warren Mosby Seay has set forth in his new volume, Christ Triumphant, the m a t c h l e s s Master as the Standard-bearer of truth, of right­ eousness, of love, of life eternal— the One in whom is.found the full­ ness of life, spiritual strength, and conquering power. This valiant and sharply timely book of ser­ mons was released February 20. Order your copy today!......... $1.00 AT YOUR BOOKSELLER BAPTIST BOOK STORE Box 485, Albuquerque, N.M. INTRODUCING LARSON BOOKS: “Christ, the Healer of Broken Hearn, or Spiritual Comfort" 25c copy, 10 fo r $1.50 ppd. Intro. Dr. H. A. Kelly, M.D. and Dr. W alter I* Wilson, M. D., 7th M printed. «Seven Appeals to the Unsaved,. (21) OTHER REVIVAL Sermons,» 154 pages, 65c. H ighly commended fo r soundness and spiritual truth. Cloth $1.00. “Highest ideals for Christian Youth,» 10c. “ Victorious . Decision Songs,» 42 pages. Songs by J o s e p h T. Larson, Evangelist, Box S49, Riverton, Wyo. (Order these Boohs from the Evangelist)


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OBJECTS: A large red cardboard cross, a globe of the world, a piece of paper six feet long and three inches wide, and a pair of scissors. (Glue together the ends of the paper, mak­ ing a circle, but before so doing, give one end of the paper a half-turn. Place the cross on the pulpit and the world on a table below it. Fasten the scis­ sors to the back of the cross. Begin the lesson with the link hanging from the cross.) LESSON: This link of white paper hanging from the cross reminds me of the life of an individual who has been saved by accepting Christ as his personal Saviour. After His death and resurrection, ’ before H is ascension, Christ said to His disciples, “ Go ye into all the world, arid preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). It looks impossible for this circle of paper, representing the life of a. Christian, to reach the world down on the table. If we could add another link to this paper, it would reach to the world. In the case of the Chris­ tian who is surrendered to Christ,'a link of love is added to this person’s life in order that the world may be reached for Christ; I find a pair of scissors back of the cross with which I will demon­ strate how this can be done. [One

to show some one your love is not to talk about it but to send that person a bouquet. “Actions speak louder than words” is a true s a y i n g . If you w a n t e d to show your love to God, w o u l d you give

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R 5 -Division

Him a bouquet? What kind of flowers would you choose? There is no flower so beautiful to God as the blossom of obedience. LESSON STORY: Y o u remember, from last week, that the Lord Jesqs stayed on earth about forty days after His resurrection, and then He went back to be with God. He had told His followers, “Lo, I am with you alway,” and now He was leaving them again. But this time they did not doubt. They knew that, since the grave had not been able to hold Him, neither could


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