King's Business - 1942-05


THE K I N G ' S ' B U S I N E S S

May, 1943

son. I want to put this black link about your neck to show how people often get in bondage to the drink habit. At first you c o u l d easily throw it off, but if you would hold still, I could wrap it so tightly around your neck that it would choke you. There is a very important thing to remember about drinking. When one person gets the habit, he always wants some one else to be bound by the same habit. Harry and Charles, we will ask you to come up to help us with the rest, of the lesson. To show how others are often bound, w e will take this pair of scissors and cut this black link. [Begin cutting two inches from one side, and cut around the circle. Then cut around the circle in the middle of the 4-inch piece. This will make an endless chain with three links.] You now see that we have an end­ less chain, made up of three black links. We will slip one of the extra links over the head of Charles, and the other over Harry’s head.- All three boys are now bound with the same habit, by an endless chain. It is the first drink that makes a drunkard and not the last drink. If we want to be free from the drink habit—and if we are, wise we will— we should refuse to take the first drink! It is well for us to remember what the Word of God has to say a b o u t drinking: “Look not thou upon the ¡wine when it is red,'when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a ,serpent, and stingeth like an adder” (Prov. 23:31, 32). When asked to drink, we s h o u l d obey Proverbs 1:10: “If sinners entice thee, consent thou not.”

APPROACH: Several children were playing ‘‘delivery truck.” They gath­ ered up the milk bottles from their different porches and filled them with

Y o u r o ld B O O K S ! Our library desperately needs them. Why not put them to work? We’ll pay postage, WESTMONT COLLEGE 231 S. Westmoreland, Los Angeles, Cal. F o r yo u r F L A N N E L B O A R D W o rk W e have developed a series o f pictures, printed in fu ll colours on m aterial that w ill stick s to, your board w ithout the usual .-flannel h a ck in g ,'fo r only 16c per lesson. Now ready, Séries 1; The liord,s Parables (56 figu res), Sériés 2: Life? of Paul (63 figu res), Series 3: Old Testa­ ment Types and Institutions (136 fig­ ures, 20c per lesson ). T eaching Manual fo r each series. Send for descriptive circular today to GOSPEL FOLIO PRESS 817 North Ave., N. E„ Grand Rapids, Mich.

mud. T h e y pre- t e n d e d this was mi l k , and w e n t a b o u t delivering it to their homes. Do you think their mothers e n j o y e d thè game as much as t h e y did? I s h o u l d say not! O n e mother said,

D i v i s i o r v

“If you wanted to use the bottles, why didn’t you fill them with water? Wa­ ter would have left them cleaner than they were before, but now they are filthy.” Yes, it makes a great deal of difference what we put into bot- ’ ties. • . LESSON STORY: Do you know that you are something like empty bottles, yourselves, and Satan is something like/those naughty children? Here you are just waiting to be filled and here he comes—going around “pre-' tending.” He has many things to of­ fer you, but I wouldn’t listen to him. No matter how much he “pretends,” all that he ever puts into your bottles will turn out to be just plain mud. Don’t trust him—he is up to mischief, just as those children were. One thing that he may try to offer you is strong drink. If you take it, it will leave your life dirty. God says in His Book, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). G o d made our bodies to be the home of His Holy Spirit. He wants our lives to be filled with His praises. A dirty life cannot praise God, but a life filled with His Spirit will be washed clean, and will really praise God. Don’t let Satan tempt you. Keep your body for God. Then you will be able to say from your heart, “I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live.”

See .a Gospel sound film and be con­ vinced o f its e ffe c ­ tiven ess in present­ in g G o d ' s w o r d-. Send •today fo r de­ scriptive b ook let.' C. O. Baptista Films (Dept. 5) 325 W. Huron St. Chicago., 111. .


The article “NICOTINE KNOCKOUT” •r the “SLOW COUNT” by Gene Tunney, printed in the Reader's Digest, has been reprinted by permission. Copies may be ob­ tained from the Christian Service Press, P. O. Box I74K, Moline, III. 100 for 50c; 1,000 for $3.50.

> The LID WILL BE OFF! Special Memorial Day Issue of PROPHECY MONTHLY Dedicated to America's Defenders W A R - T I M E P E R I L S AM O N G C H R I S T I A N S ■ Dangerous Propaganda by 'which Thousands pf Sincere Believers have been Deceived is BOLDLY EXPOSED. Christians are hampering defense. THEY MUST AWAKE! • Some Red-Hot Topics in this May Issue A PSYCHIC MEDIUM SEEKS WORLD CONTROL. Written by.,a Jewish Refugee of prominence now in a Canadian Concentration Gamp, Most Startling fAct's! MUST WE FIGHT RUSSIA? An answer to Dr. Harry F. Ward, prominent Method­ ist Socialist. TYPES OF PACIFISM OPEN TO SUSPICION. Unscriptural ideas plainly refuted. HOKUM ABOUT JAPAN-FED FUNDAMENTALISTS. Christian leaders used to spread Japan’s official propaganda. NONSENSE OF PROTOCOLS REVEALED. Glaring inconsistencies of current pro- . paganda. - OPEN LETTER TO MRS. ELIZABETH DILLING. About the “ Lord Lothian” book. Only $1.15 for 1 yr.’s sub. and “ Certain End” ¿S A You owe it to yourself to know the FACTS about these , and many Aher TOPICS VITAL TO VICTORY. MAY ■ / ISSUE only, 10c. Y e a r .sub. to PROPHECY / fC * MONTHLY is $1—and if you use the blank in s ' n w this ad AND SEND 15c EXTRA, you will receive the NEW BOOK by Dr. Keith L. Brooks-^“ THE CERTAIN END— s & t ■ SPECIAL OFFER

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Object Lesson B o o ze a n d B o n d a g e


OBJECTS: A piece of black cloth 6 inches wide-by 8 feet long, and a pair of scissors. (Starch lightly, iron, and sew, the ends of the cloth together. Before sewing the ends together, give one end a complete turn.) LESSON: John, I need your help this morning in illustrating the les-

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