King's Business - 1942-05

NEW K0DACHE0MES! “ Life o f Christ” by Wm. Hole P aintings true to Oriental life' —cover all the principal events; 4 sets o f 20 slides each. P er s e t .. . . . .$6.50 Full set o f 80 K od a ch rom es.. . . . . . .$25.00 W rite fo r inform ation on M other’s Day Program s. BOND SLIDE COMPANY« Inc., Dept K 68 W. Washington St. Chicago, III« DEFENSE Stamps ★ with the proceeds of Sunflower Dish Cloth Seles. Your Group can buy twice as many and gain twice the benefits for your organization. SAMPLE FREE TO - OFFICIAL. SANGAMON MILLS Est. 1915 Cohoes, N.Y. Send a KING’S BUSINESS Gift Subscription to your Summer Camp Reading Room._________________ RILEY-MOORE ENGRAVING CO. Cuts for All Purposes • Half Tones • Line Etchings • Electrotypes • Designs Mail Inquiries Solicited 837 S. Los Angeles St. . VAndike 8937 Los Angeles, Calif. . 5000 WORKERS^WANTED to *eU Bible«, Testaments, good books. Scripture calendars, beautiful n e w mottoes. Scripture Greeting: C a r d s , Good commission. Send for free catalog: and price list. GEORGE W. NOBLE, Publisher Dept. 7-C, Monon Bldg:., Chicago, Hi. ★ Buy JL AN EXTRA SPECIAL TREAT this year -tx —four popular Christian lead, ers in stirring lecture courses. O. E. S anden , noted lecturer; from June 22 to July 8, and P rof . P. W. S toner , July 9 to 24; both on science and its marvelous harmony with the Bible. P rof .W . H. W righton , June 22 to July 8, on “The Making of the Minister” and “The Glory of the Ministry.’’ D r . R ichard E llsworth D ay .widelyknown author, July 9 to 24, on "Old Testament Char­ acter Crises.” :' And all this in addition to Bible Synthesis; Doctrine and Analysis, and four other regular credit courses. Tuition free. Secure full inr formation. Address Dept; K-905. Kummet SclooL MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 1 5 3 I n s t i t u t e P l a c e , C h i c a g o

May, 1942


reference volume,* it will be easy to draw spiritual parallels w i t h this work in mind. In advance of the meet­ ing, ask each member of the group to spend a little time in the library, preparing himself to discuss one of the following topics—all of which are suggested by sections which the book contains. For Those Who Have Topics I. HOW NAMES ARE CHOSEN. In Who's Who: There is a definite standard of acceptance. (1) Persons whose names are chosen for inclusion must be living Americans. (2) They must be persons “who have accom­ plished some conspicuous achieve­ ment,” or else persons who have been “chosen because of their official rela­ tion and affiliation.” (3) “Not a sin­ gle sketch has been paid for—and none can be paid for.” In the' Bible: There is a definite standard o f acceptance in God’s “roll of honor”—the manifestation of faith (Heb. 11:6; Rom. 5:1; 10:9, 10; Phil. 3:8> 9).. (1) He who puts his faith in Christ as Saviour {John 11:25; 20:31) is eternally a living personality, as John 3:16, 36; 5:24, and 1 John 5:11, 12 make plain. Only those who thus possess eternal life are in God’s rec­ ord of truly noble souls. Those who in Old Testament times observed the temple sacrifice by faith in the com­ ing Lamb of God are of course in­ cluded by Him among t h o s e who “ live” by faith in Christ. (2) No hu­ man achievement, however outstand­ ing, e n t i t l e s one to recognition in God’s sight (Rom. 7:18; Tit; 3:5; Isa. 64:6). The o n l y greatness is that which is imparted to the trusting child of God because Christ indwells him (Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:17; Col. 1:27; 3:4, 11). (3) Money can n e v e r buy a place of importance in God’s sight (Lk. 21:1-4; Acts 8:9-23). II. HOW EQUALITY IS EMPHASIZED. In Who's Who: The simple device of alphabetizing makes all applicants equal. John Jones may have more degrees than Aaron Ames, but regard­ less of individual distinction, each man must take his place in alpha­ betical order. In the Bible: The question, “What will ye do then with Jesus who is called Christ?” is the great leveler of all men. Before Calvary, men could look forward to Christ, the ,coming Sacrifice and could rest their faith in Him and be saved; since Calvary, every man must likewise accept or re­ ject the Saviour. Those who align themselves with Him are, by God’s grace, “elevated” to a position in the family of God (John 1:12). *Who*s Who in America, published by the A. N. Marquis Co., 919 No. Michigan. Ave., Chicago. III.

III. S OME PROMINENT CHARAC­ TERS. It will be interesting to p r e p a r e “ biographical sketches”—as t h o u g h they were to be printed in Who's Who —for some of the characters men­ tioned in Hebrews 11. Read these com­ ments at the meeting. Be sure to point out in each case what it is that God regards as being great. The sub­ jects will include, among others: Abel (V. 4; cf. Gen. 4:1-15; Matt. 23:35). Enoch (v. 5J, cf. Gen. 5:18-24; Jude 14). Noah (v. 7; cf. Gen. 5:28-32; chs. 6-9). Abraham (vs. 8, 9; 16-19; cf. Gen. 12:1-9; 22:1-14). 1 Moses (vs. 24-28; cf. Gen. 2:11 to 12:36). - "How Many of These Questions Can You Answer?" There is an interesting section in Who's Who that bears this title. The questions are all of historic or per­ sonal interest, and the answers are f o u n d in the ’ biographical sketches which make up the book. A fascinat­ ing Bible quiz may be worked out, fol­ lowing this suggestion. Ask questions that will provoke discussion of Chris­ tian character. For example, a quiz on David might include such questions aè these: What king was particularly signifi­ cant in the ancestry of Christ (Matt. 1:1, 6; Lk. 3:31)? Why (2 Sam. 7:11, 16)? Why was this king described as a man after God’s own h e a r t ,(Psa. 51:1-3,16-18)? JUNE 21, 1942 THE BEST USE OF THE BIBLE J ohn 5 :3 9 ; A cts 1,7:11 By Conard Sandy Introduction The Lord Jesus Christ is our su­ preme Authority for r e a d i n g and studying the Bible. He has bidden us to search the deep things of the Scrip­ tures to learn of Him. If there had been any better way to have used the Bible, He undoubtedly would have told us of it; and if there had been any higher purpose than to learn of Him, He would have revealed this also to us. We have His word and command that we should search the Scriptures. Some years later the Bereans are commended by the Holy Spirit, as be­ ing noble people,1for doing just the thing the Lord has asked of all who follow Him. Remember, t h e com­ mand is given by the Hero of the Book, and the .commendation is from the Author of the Book. Who would dare to set aside as a light matter that which the Lord has commanded?



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