King's Business - 1942-05



May, 1942

Your Young People’s Society CanBeSuccessful,Too!

A Question of Obedience : The missionary tragedy of the close of the past generation is now irrepar­ able. But that catastrophe is as noth­ ing compared with the tragedy that may well be facing us, if when the war is concluded, doors of opportu­ nity are opened in long-closed lands around the world, and' Christian youth shall be found forgetful of God’s claims and careless of His command to preach the gospel to every crea­ ture. Tragedy or revival faces the Chris­ tian student world today. '■ The Stu­ dent Foreign Missions Fellowship be­ lieves that by God’s grace the an­ swer shall be revival. [Further information concerning this movement can be secured by writing to the Student , Foreign Missions Fel­ lowships 1201 Chestnut Street, Phila­ delphia, Pa., mentioning this article in TH E KING 'S BUSINESS.— E d it o r .]

A PRESENT-DAY TRAGEDY [ Continued from Page 164] days when mission doors were still unobstructed by war. “There’s noth­ ing we can do about it, although per­ haps we have been negligent not to have had a missionary prayer meet­ ing,” and sorrowfully laying the blame on others, they gave up the problem. The representative of the Student Foreign Missions Fellowship thought surely there must be negligence somewhere, as he visited a Bible school with an enrollment of well over, a' hundred students and found only six preparing for foreign serv­ ice. How could the leaders of Chris­ tian youth fail to seize the opportu­ nity to fire young lives with a single urge — to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ unto the uttermost? A God-Given Advance “The Lord\Jesus Christ unto the' ut­ termost!” The words were like a bat­ tle cry to the students assembled at Ben Lippen Conference Grounds six years ago. They had heard of a task that could be finished, and they had learned the tragedy that it was not being done. These students faced a need with a spirit of earnestness that meant doing business with God. Prayer meetings came first, then committee meetings. “Missionary students need an inter­ collegiate fellowship,” was the first thought, and the name STUDENT FOREIGN MISSIONS FELLOWSHIP was given. Then came the conviction, “Chris­ tian students and the whole Christian church must be stirred to realize our pressing obligation to make Christ known in all the world in bur genera­ tion.” After much prayer and work- a statement of missionary purpose was prepared. Another thought followed, "Many will not be called as missionaries, but every Christian young person should face this responsibility,” and a second statement, a missionary prayer pledge, was prepared, reading in part: “ Believing that It may be God’s will for me to be a foreign missionary, I promise to pray defi­ nitely f° r guidance, and in other ways to seek guidance until I know God’s will for "me in connection with the call to foreign missionary service.” It was a small beginning, but Gop honored the step taken In faith, ana today over three thousand young peo­ ple have signed these statements, the number being about equally divided between purpose and prayer pledge. ' Almost forty chapters in colleges, uni­ versities, seminaries, Bible schools, and nurses’ training schools are meet­ ing' regularly for missionary prayer and study and for presentation of the missionary imperative.

New Improved Young People’* Bible Study Quarterly , Planning Ideas—Topics—Lesson Ilelps— Departments for Seniors and Junior***** For All Denominations 1942=Course in Bible Evidences Proof that the Bible is the Inspired tkt ^ a «/-.»I—Mnnthlv M ission* Study Send 2Sc. for Current Issue ONLY 10c. for complete samples of sottikd Sunday School papers and quarterlies. Fre® I Catalog of Sunday School andChurch supplies CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc.- 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburs, P«.

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