King's Business - 1942-05



May, 1942

was the climax to every word I had spoken; it was the moment for which I had prayed, the moment when I might tell these with a life ahead of them the way to life everlasting, com­ pletely satisfying, and abundantly joyful. How the Testimony Affected the Spectators After class for several days, one and then another s t u d e n t asked whether he might speak with me. These students told me how they ad­ mired the stand I had taken, and some asked to know the way of life more fully. Others stopped me in the halls and asked whether I was the one who was causing such a disturb­ ance in the philosophy class. The Junior College Bible Club gave me the privilege of bringing a series of messages to other Christian y o u n g people, telling them how to answer the arguments presented by the world. Many young people’s g r o u p s a n d churches asked me to bring my testi­ mony, that their young people might be able morfe convincingly to answer those who will call them to the wit­ ness stand. God’s Word is on trial today as never before—in the classroom, across the office desk, .over the back fence, on the street-car—wherever His chil­ dren may be. When the call comes for you to take the witness stand, will He find a mouthpiece, simply a faith­ ful' witness through whom the words of conviction will ring, that the Holy Spirit may convict of sin and may draw needy hearts to the Saviour?

CALLED TO THE WITNESS STAND [ Continued from Page 173] seemed never to have occurred to them. My heart ached for those who had so little knowledge about the written Word and no knowledge of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus. The class period closed before we had completed our discussion, but we continued in the next session of the class. The story of the wisdom given by the Holy Spirit, the convincing answers I was enabled to give to questions I had never before thought through, is the story of a ,miracle. His never-failing wisdom a n d abiding grace proved, as always, more than sufficient for the one who desired to be His mouthpiece. The experience of His grace in that hour was beyond all description. The Trial Continued: The Climax Several days later, the title of the assignment from our text was ex­ pressed in some such words as these: “Can an. individual be intelligent and respectable and believe in God?” Again I knew that I would be chal­ lenged, for each time that any ques­ tion concerning God or His Word was raised, I was asked to give my opin­ ion. Can one be intelligent and respect­ able and believe in God? I realized that my own opinion would be of no more value to the class than the opin-, ion of any other student. Again I sought His wisdom, and again He supplied the need. One of the leaf­ lets I had received through the mail contained a statement by Howard A. Kelly, the famous surgeon and Profes­ sor -Emeritus of Johns Hopkins Uni­ versity, concerning his attitude toward the Word of God. At one time he too had doubted its inspiration; now he not only believed the Bible to be the Word of God, but he also believed Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and had accepted the atonement made on Calvary’s cross as the only effi­ cacious remedy for sin. True to his custom, my professor asked whether I should like to con­ tribute anything to the class discus­ sion. I told the class that my per­ sonal opinion would be of little value, but that I should like to read a state­ ment by Dr. Howard A. Kelly. The professor recognized Dr. Kelly’s prominence and the weight that any one of his statements carried. I had chosen just three or four sentences from the leaflet, but they were sen­ tences that not only stated Dr. Kelly’s nosition but also gave clearly the plan of salvation. The class listened attentively as I read. I rejoice that not one of those young people can stand in His pres­ ence and say, “ I never knew.” This


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