King's Business - 1916-09



is strong on the main points. VThe other articles on the various books o f the New Testament are full o f -information and sug­ gestion, though o f course, not all o f equal value. The, doctrinal articles are in, the main reli­ able and of very great value. The article on The Person o f Christ is one that every minister and Christian worker should read. That on the Resurrection o f Christ is strong. The article jon The Atonement is not satisfactory, indeed it is very weak, and the writer seems to be trying to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings rather than to give a full and accurate presentation of the truth. There will be little or no help in the article for anyone. But there is another article on “ Sacrifice, in the New Testament” that more than supplies all the deficiencies in the article on “Atonement, indeed this article is very scholarly, thor­ ough and satisfactory. The article on “ Prayer” is brief and incomplete, not stim- ulating nor especially instructive. The treatment o f the subject o f “ Satan” is not strong as it might be, but has good points, but as a whole it is incomplete and super­ ficial. Taken as a whole the doctrinal arti­ cles are illuminating, and a study o f these articles one by one would form a useful course in theology. The article on the generaL-subject o f Archaeology is o f great value, and the var­ ious subjects that touch upon Archaeology are also well handled. The articles on the Chronology o f the Old Testament and o f the New Testament are also o f great value. On subjects which are matters o f contro­ versy among the various denominations the Encyclopaedia pursues the plan o f giving two or more views; for example, three views are given on the Subject o f Baptism. All these articles »are well written and present the view o f the writer probably as well as it could be presented. The editors were wise in pursuing this policy. O f course we do not agree with every­ thing in the book: some articles are open to grave criticism, for example, the article on “Prophecy” is not what it might be. The

but this erroneous view is simply stated in passing, whereas the true view is stated at length and with great fullness o f proof. The article oh Jonah is not as satisfac­ tory as some o f the articles referred to. It is not unsound,- but ratter tame and weak, and not a strong putting o f the truth in the case. The article on the .books of Chronicles is so satisfactory as to make one wish that more had been assigned to the author, the late Professor Willis J: Beecher. It is in striking contrast with the unsatisfactory articles on Chronicles in Hastings’ Dictionary o f the Bible. The articles on the individual books of the Pentateuch, Genesis, | Exodus, and Leviticus, by Wilhelm Moller; Numbers by T. Whitelaw, and Deuteronomy by Prof. -George L. Robinson, are exhaustive and thoroughly' satisfactory in their conclusions. They are an invaluable presentation o f the true view of the case. The article on the book o f Psalms is up- to-date but somewhat hesitant and timid, though safe. The Song o f Solomon is prob­ ably the most difficult book in' the Bible to handle, but it is dealt with in a way that is illuminating and satisfying, though the writer might have gone, with profit to his hearers, a little further into his clos­ ing thought. Turning to .the New Testament, o f course the most fundamental question is the ques­ tion o f the authorship, date, and reliability I o f the four Gospels. Each o f the four articles on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are written by different men but they are all satisfactory. The article on Matthew is full, up-to-date, thoughtful and satisfying. It occupies itself with facts rather than fancies, no matter how great a vogue those fancies may have enjoyed. The article on Mark is Very thorough and judicious. That on Luke is unusually able and fair and sat­ isfactory in its conclusions. The article on the Gospel o f John is also good. More could have been said to advantage on some points, and some points' have not been taken up that might have been considered - with profit, but the article rings true, and

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