King's Business - 1916-09




B i b l e I n s t i t u t e A c t i v i t i e s THE MONTH ’S R EV I EW

WORK OF THE BIBLE WOMEN Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt.

A NEWCOMER in one o f the Bible classes recently asked this question of the teacher: “What do you mean by being saved by grace, and through the blood of Christ?” Before the Bible woman could fully explain, one o f the class said, “ Oh, Mrs. ----------, please give her the verse you gave me.” I asked what one it was, for I did not remember. She said, Psa. 51:5. It had been . given to prove that we are all born in sin, in reply to that constantly reiterated statement that we are all children o f God. She acknowledged that she went home that day in tears, cried all the way home. All week she fought. She would tiot believe that. However she came back < tb the,class, listened, yielded, and is now one o f the most faithful and one o f the happiest members. She said, “ I used to believe in Christ, but now I have Christ in me.” The W ord o f God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. A few weeks ago the worker was asked to call upon a woman who had all her life been an infidel. Unable to go just at that time, the matter was allowed to wait until one Sunday evening when the infidel woman was laid so heavily upon her heart that all other work was put aside on Mon­ day and the call made. She was received most cordially, and after a long conver­ sation was told that on that very morning (when there had been special and united prayer for the proposed visit) the woman was so impressed with the fact that there must be something in Christianity that she was impelled to lift her heart to God in prayer for guidance, and eventually she could find no rest until she had left her

work, and on bended knee asked God to reveal to her whether or not Jesus was the Son o f God, and the Bible true. So, “When He putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth before them. W e urged a young woman to let us come in because she looked so unhappy and sick. A fter a few moments o f conversation she broke down. She was in a most unhappy state mentally, largely caused by her physi­ cal sufferings, rebellious about God and almost hopeless. She said that she once had a real experience, but that it was all dark now. The Spirit surely directed in selecting just those things about God she most needed to know in His Word. She said later on, “Just today I went to the Bible in desperation for some comfort but could find little I really understood or that helped; but you seem to have given me just what I need, and I really believe ,1 feel better.” She wanted us to leave her some passages to look up, and as we left she said, “ I think you must have been sent for you have given me such real comfort,' and I needed it so badly Just today.” A lady in one o f the Bible classes has had a sick husband for some months. Much prayer has gone up for him, but it was difficult to get at him for personal, conversation. One day as we were pass­ ing the house he was on the porch alone, so with much fear and trembling we went up the steps, feeling sure it was His uppor- tunity for us. After a few words we came directly to the point with a definite ques­ tion. This was the reply: “Yes, I want to be saved, but I don’t know how, and while thinking about it today wished some one

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