King's Business - 1916-09



God has answered prayer in a most won­ derful manner and brought to Himself girls who seemed beyond reaching, who have evaded meeting or coming near a Bible class for fear o f being -spoken to about their souls. W e have prayed that God would have j His way at the mountain party, and He performed miracles in our midst, for a recent conversion is that o f a girl who scoffed at the Euodia Club until a month ago, when she joined us in a pic­ nic. She confessed Christ Sunday night. One o f the women for whom definite prayer has been made in the Bible Women’s Conferences, and who was in the toils of Christian Science, has definitely accepted Christ and declared her purpose to stand on God’s W ord alone. in Yiddish was given him in Which he became much interested and as often hap­ pens with a Jewish man when under con­ viction, he became very regular in his attendance upon synagogue services. Regu­ lar attendance upon temple services by a young man attracted the attention o f a very pious old orthodox Jew, who became much interested in him. One day this old man found the boy in the Public Library reading that Yiddish Gospel o f Matthew. He noted the Hebrew characters on the cover o f the book and curiosity prompted him to inquire the nature o f the book, which the boy explained to him as well as he could. A glance at the contents o f the book made the old man desirous o f read­ ing it all, and in return for some service rendered the boy he requested the gift o f that Gospel o f Matthew. His interest was so aroused, that he lost no time in pre­ senting himself at the missionary’s home to learn more o f what he had read. This old orthodox Jew offers quite a character study, presenting—by his piety,

would come and tell me.” He was* soon reading passage after passage from the Gospel o f John, at my suggestion. Very little explanation was needed because the Spirit was at work, and he soon looked up with a new light in his eyes and said “I see, I do believe.” A backslider reclaimed is a member of Thursday class, and she is surely rejoicing in deliverance from Spiritism. The way in which she is-taking her stand for the truth o f God’s W ord is surely a great vic­ tory for Him. She has been offered money by her former associates to foretell the future, a calling she had pursued, but though she has her living to make, she sayS she will do housework rather than get into such bondage again. W ORK among the Jewish people has been greatly blessed o f God during the past month. Answers to prayer have been many, and six conversions have been reported. From among the many interest­ ing incidents o f the month’s work, we will tell the story o f a Yiddish Gospel of Matthew. About two months ago a young man and his mother called at the worker’s home. They were in dire distress, two or three months’ rent unpaid, the landlord threaten­ ing to put them in the street, no food in the house, the boy out o f work, and the chil­ dren crying from hunger. Someone directed them to us, saying perhaps we could help them and they, not having money even for car fare, had walked clear across the city to our home. After arranging to take care o f their immediate material needs we talked to them o f their greater spiritual needs. The young man accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour, but was unwilling to go all the way in con­ fession o f Christ. A Gospel of Matthew

---------------O --------------- WORK AMONG THE JEWS

Mrs. James A. Vaus, Supt.

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