King's Business - 1916-09



ine the joy it was to open up God’s wonder­ ful plan o f salvation. His intense eager­ ness to know the truth was refreshing in these days o f indifference, skepticism and infidelity. One day we asked him if he now -believed, and he replied, “I am in a very hard’ place now ; I have become dis­ satisfied with Judaism but I am not ready to accept Christianity.” Days o f conflict followed, in which the Spirit o f God strug­ gled; with the hosts o f Satan, and sleep­ less nights with visions of being stoned to death by the Jews, ensued before this man passed from death to life. One by one his doubts and difficulties were settled, and abput three weeks after the first meet­ ing he received Jesus Christ as his Messiah. He has since, in spite o f persecution, been faithful in testimony before the world. So God gives us to see sometimes how His W ord given out does not return void. Pray for this man that God may use his testimony among his many Jewish friends, and for the boy that he may have the boldness needed to confess Christ pub­ licly. given us more opportunity for intercessory prayer. So we are trying to Spell disap­ pointment with an “ H ” instead o f a “D,” for we know that all things do indeed work together for good to them that love Him. W e not only need the plowing and the sowing, but the watering is absolutely nec­ essary to bring forth. May God enable us to sow in tears, as we look out upon the great mass o f perishing souls without God, without Christ and without hope in the world. Yet we are sure that some seed falls upon good ground; and we lift our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to oUr gracious Heavenly Father for the privilege, o f bearing the precious W ord to the starv­ ing and needy ones; for the many open doors, and the new ones which are con-

graciousness and teachableness—such a marked contrast to thè ordinary, preju­ diced, bigoted, orthodox Jew. As far as possible he had kept not only the letter but the spirit o f the law, and living up to all the light he had, God gave him greater light. O f him it might be said, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” This man had never heard a Gospel ser­ mon, nor read the New Testament, nor talked with a Christian about spiritual things. He said to the worker, “You are the first man I ever met who has shown me the connecting link between Judaism and Christianity.” After our interview (even before he was converted) he used to visit the young man’s mother, an un­ learned Jewess,- and read to her from the Gospel o f Matthew, explaining the meaning to her according to his growing knowledge qi the Word. The result has been that she has been soundly converted and has confessed to Jew and Gentile alike her faith in Jesus Christ. The old man called time after time at the home o f the worker, and you can imag­ T OS ANGELES has been more pleasure- ^ mad than usual during the past month, and the most important business o f life, the most pressing demand o f our day—that o f the preaching o f the old-time doctrine o f sin and salvation by faith in the atoning b lo o d 'o f Jesus Christ, the certainty of eternal, conscious retribution in hell for the impenitent, and the certainty o f eternal reward in Heaven, has been interfered with. The visiting Templars have occa­ sioned crowded streets, cars blocked, traf­ fic suspended, processions, parades and more parade, and all this has interfered with our reaching many o f bur meetings. W e trust God has used it to enable some of the precious seed sown to sink in, and praise him that these hindrances have

S----- :-------O — — WORK IN THE SHOPS

David Cant, Supt.

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