King's Business - 1916-09



only real and practical sanctification which separates from the world, from evil, from wicked doctrines, to flim, is “ Thy Word.” So we are praying constantly that God will give us the Spirit o f wisdom and under­ standing that we may preach, not our thoughts, our opinions, but the Word of Christ! Like the Thessalonian saints we “turned to God, from idols, to serve the living and true God and to wait for His Son from Heaven”—,1 Thess. 1 :9. What a blessed and holy privilege! and while He tarries may we have given us grace to minister His precious truth and “scatter the good seed by the way,” knowing that our God has said that His W ord shall not return unto Him void. sun was burning hot would not put Up their umbrellas nor ride in chairs for fear of showing disrespect to the idols. The old father was too weary to come up to the chapel. They told how he had been offended by the discourtesy o f the priests and was vexed that he had gone at all. Again and again the old lady would exclaim, “ Every word you . say finds response in my heart. I know my husband will say the same.” The way o f salva­ tion was simply and carefully given them, and they left well supplied with gospel por­ tions and tracts. Praise God for bringing these hungry hearts to the mission station, and pray that the whole family, consisting o f father and four sons, all scholars, with their wives and children, may find salva­ tion through Jesus.-—r/te Alliance Weekly.

She knew this was a direct denial o f the Word o f God and felt she had betrayed her Lord and was in awful darkness. In her bitterness she cried unto the Lord and was led to turn to 1 Cor. 6:19, “What, know ye not that your bodies are the tem­ ple o f the Holy Ghost, which is in you; which ye have o f God, and ye are not your own.” She saw where she was, renounced her position and sought God once more and was restored. T o Him be glory, both now and forever, Amen. The best way to do Christian work in these fields is by the ministry o f the Word. “ Sanctify them through thy truth; thy Word is truth” (John 17:17), and the One evening, as soon as service had begun in the street chapel, three women and a little girl pushed their way through the crowd, and without the usual hesitancy o f strangers accepted the invitation to Come inside and hear the gospel. After listening earnestly for an hour to the preaching they stayed on for another hour o f personal conversation. They were pil­ grims from seventy miles away, returning from the “ sacred” mountain twenty miles from Tsingyang. They had never before heard the gospel but were brought in by a little girl who wishes to attend our school. They were i utterly disgusted with . their trip to the temples. They told how they had prepared the best incense, walked all the way from the river, and although the



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