King's Business - 1916-09



NOT say ; nor does the text suggest that IT WAS MADE ONLY FOR MAN. I t WAS MADE also , as we learn from other passages of Scripture, for G od ' s glory as well as for our welfare, and not only our highest phy­ sical, spiritual and moral interests demand that we properly observe it, but God’s inter­ ests demand it too. Herein lies not merely the folly but the gross wickedness o f the •neglect and abuse o f the Lord’s day. God has rights as well as man. Most o f us have forgotten it. W e are so much taken up with human rights, especially our own, that we have forgotten God’s riglits. God’s rights are the . supreme rights. Human rights are as nothing in comparison with His. He is Infinite, we are finite, and ho number o f finites equals Infinity, and there­ fore the rights o f the one Infinite God are immeasurably superior to the rights o f the whole finite human race, therefore the Lord Jesus said, “ Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. -This is the great and first commandment.” It is true that there is a second commandment like unto it, the commandment to love our neighbor, but that is second and not first. If we should do our whole duty toward the whole human race and should fail in our duty toward the one Infinite God, where we failed would be vastly more important than where we did our duty. The Lord’s day is the Lord’s day. It should be kept first o f all for His glory. Properly observed it brings glory to His name. Any one who does not set one day in seven apart for thoughts o f God and for learning God’s will, and for the worship and praise of God, individually and in the home and in the public assembly, is robbing God o f what belongs to Him. The man who uses the Lord’s day for his usual work, or for mere rest, or for pleasure, is a gross sinner against God. IV. This brings us to the practical ques­ tion, HOW SHOULD WE OBSERVE THE LORD’ S day ? T o answer in a single sentence, in the way that best carries out the Divine purpose o f the day, viz., the meeting o f man’s physical, intellectual, moral and

spiritual need, and still more and higher, the promotion o f God’s glory. But what is the method o f observance that will best meet man’s physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual need, and best promote God’s glory? 1. First o f all by cessation from all intellectual and physical labors except works of necessity and mercy. That goes without saying. One does not need to be a legalist and think he must not wash his hands, or shave his face, or wipe off his shoes. He does not,need to add a multitude o f petty prescriptions to what is written as the Pharisees did, but ordinary labor should be set aside just as far as possible both for ourselves and for our servants. 2. But is that all? No, by no means, that is the very smallest part. Man’s needs demand and God’s honor demands that the day be given up to holy occupdtion, to get acquainted with God and vHis will, to pub­ lic worship, and religious instruction, to the individual study o f the W ord o f God, and prayer, and to family holy converse and acquaintanceship. That manner o f observ­ ance o f the Lord’s day is best for our phy­ sical need. It is not those who are off to the mountains and beaches on the Lord’s day, off to ball matches and tennis courts and golf links, off automobiling, who are most rested and refreshed as they come back to their work on Monday morning. It is rather those who have been at the house o f God, who have been alone with God in prayer and the study o f the Word, who have gathered their families together /at home in a holy, happy way, that are most refreshed on Monday morning and best equipped for the labors o f the week. That manner o f observance also best meets man’s intellectual need. You will find more o f the really great thinkers in science and statesmanship have come from such homes than have come from homes that are prac­ tically heathen in their attitude toward the Lord’s day. It needs no argument to prove that that way best meets man’s moral and spiritual needs, and certainly it best meets the interests o f God and best promotes His

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