King's Business - 1916-09



children for ruin here and eternal damna­ tion hereafter. You are moral monsters. The saddest feature in the present neglect and misuse and abuse o f the Lord’s day is. the way in which the children o f supposedly respectable and honorable parents are being brought up to have no real respect for the Lord’s day. When one thinks o f the future o f theSe children, his heart trembles. The whole underpinning o f their moral life is being weakened. Those boys and girls, now so sweet and attractive, are certain to go wrong. Many o f them will become a prey to the vilest vices, and their eternal future will be awful beyond description. Oh, you men and women who have put so little value upon this precious gift o f God, the Lord’s day, and have used it for your own pleasure instead o f for His glory and your own highest moral and spiritual devel­ opment, I call upon you from the depths o f my soul, after close observation o f fam­ ilies that I have known, and deep thought upon the subject, and much prayer, repent, repent, repent, repent today. The following is from a recipient o f T he K ing s B usiness ,, through the generosity o f a friend: “I am exceedingly grateful to you for sending me T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness , and especially am I grateful to the generous ‘friend’ who has made this possible. I greatly value the magazine and thus appreciate such kindness. Will you please express this to the friend in my behalf.” Rev. A. J. Arthur, Capitol Hts., Md. : I have read carefully your paper for the past year, and feel that the subscription price is a dollar well invested; indeed, the riotes on the S. S. lesson by Dr. -Torrey are worth the price, to say nothing o f all' the other instructive and inspiring articles. May God bless you in your noble work of spreading the truth pf the Gospel o f our Lord Jesus.” , Bishop Sanford C. Yoder, Kalona, Iowa: ‘ I especially appreciate your helpful mag­ azine and rejoice because o f the stand you take to promulgate and defend the whole Gospel. May you have abundant grace to continue in the work.”

glory, and that is the supreme purpose o f the Lord’s day. Let ps never forget that the day' is “ the L ord ’ s Day,” that it belongs to Him. 1 Will you who have been neglecting and abusing the Lord’s day confess your sin and repeqt? Will you stop your working on this day? Will you stop your compell­ ing otjiers to work? Stpp your pleasure seeking, your automobiling, your reading secular books and papers, your idle think­ ing, and worse than idle gossip, and read only' the best books and think and talk about the things you ought to talk about, cultivate a Christian home life, go to the house o f God for public worship and instruction in the things o f God, and go to work in a refreshing occupation, that of saving souls? I appeal especially to fathers and mothers.^ You fathers and mothers who are not cultivating a proper observance o f the Lord’s day on the part o f your children and leading them by careful exam­ ple in that observance are bringing up your Rev. George H. Chambers, Bradford, R. I . : “ I am sending this note to let you know that I have dropped every preacher’s mag­ azine in the past.year that I might -give myself to the study o f T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness . I told my church last Sunday morn­ ing in my sermon, as I quoted ‘The Menace o f the Movies,’ from the May number, that I would not be without T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness magazine if it cost me $10. I am a poor man and need all the money I get, but I spoke the truth. I could better go' without clothing or something else than your magazine. It helps me in my preach­ ing; it helps me in my Bible study; it helps me in my Christian faith; it makes me a better man: a better preacher, and o f course a, better pastor.” Walter S. S.cott, Evailgelist, Taylor, Texas: “ The June number o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness has been received, and find it another feast o f good things and an arse­ nal o f Bible truth. The articles on Chris­ tian Science alone are worth the year’s subscription.’^

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