. F O R T H E S E R M O N , B I B L E R E A D I N G , G O S P E L A D D R E S S
H o m i l e t i c a l H e l p s
2. This inward longing is corroborated by the Scripture (vv. 1, 10). III. We have an earnest of the Spirit (vv. 5 , 6 ). What we already possess is a pledge, an earnest, a foretaste o f future bliss. 1. By an “ earnest” is meant a sample, a pledge, a part of the thing prom ised. 2. This earnest is the assurance o f God that what He has promised He will fulfill. IV. We shall be accepted at the judg ment seat of Christ (v. 10 ). L The judgment seat o f Christ refers ' to the distribution o f rewards, to the time when the believer shall receive the rewards for what he has done in this life. 2. The word “accepted” means mani fested. Then the believer will appear in his true light. In this life he may have been misunderstood, misrepresented; in that day, he will be vindicated and fully made known. The purpose of the transfiguration. 1. In relation to Christ. 2. For the benefit o f the disciples—to give them : (a) Right views o f the cross (Mat thew 16:21-25; Luke 9:31). (b ) Right views o f Christ’s person (Matthew 16:13-17; 17:4, ^5). (c ) Encouragement for the future (2 Peter 1:14-18; John 1 :14). Theme: The Transfiguration. T e x t : Matthew 17; Luke 9. I.
Theme: Comforting Truths. T ext : 2 Corinthians 5 :1-10. I ntroduction .
Because life is what it is, a series o f alter nate defeat and victory, light and shadow, we need great truths such as those men tioned in this chapter, to support us. There are four great truths mentioned: /. A cheerful and triumphant view of death (vv. 4 - 6 ). This is indicated by the words o f verse 6—“We have therefore a cheerful confi dence,” Most people are afraid to die. They would not be if they understood the Chris tian view o f death. Paul got his view of death, doubtless, from the teachings of Jesus, which w ere: 1. Death is like sleep (John 11:11-14; cf. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16). 2. Death is an exodus (Luke 9:31). Death is to the believer what the deliv erance from Egypt was to Israel. 3. Death is a departure or loosing from this life (2 Timothy 4 :6 ; cf. Philippians 1:23). II. That this life is not all (vv. 1 - 4 ). There is another and greater life beyond the grave. Dying day is not finishing day with the apostle. W e die into life, into largeness, into liberty. 1. The longing fpr immortality is within us (vv. 2-4; cf. Ecclesiastes 3 :11—world—eternity R. V. M .).
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