King's Business - 1916-09

. F O R T H E S E R M O N , B I B L E R E A D I N G , G O S P E L A D D R E S S


H o m i l e t i c a l H e l p s




2. This inward longing is corroborated by the Scripture (vv. 1, 10). III. We have an earnest of the Spirit (vv. 5 , 6 ). What we already possess is a pledge, an earnest, a foretaste o f future bliss. 1. By an “ earnest” is meant a sample, a pledge, a part of the thing prom­ ised. 2. This earnest is the assurance o f God that what He has promised He will fulfill. IV. We shall be accepted at the judg­ ment seat of Christ (v. 10 ). L The judgment seat o f Christ refers ' to the distribution o f rewards, to the time when the believer shall receive the rewards for what he has done in this life. 2. The word “accepted” means mani­ fested. Then the believer will appear in his true light. In this life he may have been misunderstood, misrepresented; in that day, he will be vindicated and fully made known. The purpose of the transfiguration. 1. In relation to Christ. 2. For the benefit o f the disciples—to give them : (a) Right views o f the cross (Mat­ thew 16:21-25; Luke 9:31). (b ) Right views o f Christ’s person (Matthew 16:13-17; 17:4, ^5). (c ) Encouragement for the future (2 Peter 1:14-18; John 1 :14). Theme: The Transfiguration. T e x t : Matthew 17; Luke 9. I.

Theme: Comforting Truths. T ext : 2 Corinthians 5 :1-10. I ntroduction .

Because life is what it is, a series o f alter­ nate defeat and victory, light and shadow, we need great truths such as those men­ tioned in this chapter, to support us. There are four great truths mentioned: /. A cheerful and triumphant view of death (vv. 4 - 6 ). This is indicated by the words o f verse 6—“We have therefore a cheerful confi­ dence,” Most people are afraid to die. They would not be if they understood the Chris­ tian view o f death. Paul got his view of death, doubtless, from the teachings of Jesus, which w ere: 1. Death is like sleep (John 11:11-14; cf. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16). 2. Death is an exodus (Luke 9:31). Death is to the believer what the deliv­ erance from Egypt was to Israel. 3. Death is a departure or loosing from this life (2 Timothy 4 :6 ; cf. Philippians 1:23). II. That this life is not all (vv. 1 - 4 ). There is another and greater life beyond the grave. Dying day is not finishing day with the apostle. W e die into life, into largeness, into liberty. 1. The longing fpr immortality is within us (vv. 2-4; cf. Ecclesiastes 3 :11—world—eternity R. V. M .).

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