King's Business - 1916-09



Why was Paul the only cool head that day? 18:10; 27:25; 19:21; Isa. 26:3. Into what danger did the mad multitude come ? Matt. 5 :22; John 15:24, 25. What became o f Paul in the rush? v. 35. In what one thing did the crazy crowd agree? v. 36; 22:22, (3 ) The Permission to Speak, vs. ,37-40. Why did Paul ask permission? Rom. 13:1, 3;' Acts 1:8. Not knowing Paul, what .else did the captain not know? 1 Cor. 14:18. Did Paul ignore or repudiate his polit­ ical relations ? v. 39; 23 :27. Who gave Paul his license to preach at this time? v. 37. How did he exercise it ? ' Eph. 3 :8-10; Acts 22:1-21.' PRACTICAL PO INTS (1) “ Brethren” part sadly, (vs. 12, 13) but meet gladly, (v. 17). (2) There was a time when the word “brethren” among -believers, meant much. (3) It is not what work we have done, but what God hath wrought. (4) Paul’s missionary story was o f intense interest, and o f immense importance. (5) Liars made things hot for Paul, but there is a hotter place for liars, Rev. 21 : 8 . (6) Paul played his part well, but it did not satisfy the hot-headed people. (7) While the law cannot justify a man, yet he may be justified in keeping the law. (8 ) . Paul taught both the difference (Rom. 3:28-31), and indifference in law- keepers, Rom. 7:18, 19. (9) Both prejudice and practice are hard to overcome.

For how many animáis would Paul pay? Num. 6 :13-15. . Who met the charges for the Nazarite nation? Isa. 53:12. Are believers Nazarites? 2 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 12:1. What is their term o f separation? Gal. 2:20; Rev. 2:10. What is the blessing o f the discharged Nazarite? Num. 6:22-25. Where had these “Asia” Jews set on Paul before ? Acts 19:29-33. Were their charges true? 1. Rom. 1:16; 9 :5 ; 11:18. 2. Rom. 7:12, 14, 22; 8:3, 4. 3. 1 Cor. 3:17; 2 Cor. 6:16; Acts. 25:8. ' 4. Acts 21 :24, 26. 5. Acts 21:29.. What would a pagan town-clerk have told those Jews? 19:39. What did Jewish law say? Exod. 20:16; 23:1; Deut. 19:16-20. Was the Roman more just than the Jew? 25:16. Against whom did they “shut the doors ?” Luke 13 :34, 35 ; Matt. 25:10. In whose hand is the opening and shut­ ting? Rev. 3:7, 8. Whom did “all the city” (Jerusalem) finally reject in Paul? 1 Sam. 8 :7 ; Acts ■ 9 :4, 5; Col. ]°:24. Who now became guardian o f the Truth? v. ,32; 22:27-29 ; 25:10. Is man’s extremity God’s opportunity? vs. 31, 32. (2 ) The Prophecy of Agabus Fulfilled, vs. 33-36, What had Agabus said? v. 11. Was Paul prepared for it? v. 13. How did. he feel in all this onslaught ? 2 Cor. 12:10; Acts 5:41.

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