had, they were persistent in their unbelief in a resurrection right before their eyes. Jesus sternly rebuked their apparent unbe lief and hardness o f heart (Mark 16:14). Unbelief is not a misfortune to be pitied, but a sin to be rebuked and repented of. To overcome their persistent unbelief and to convince them beyond a question that it was indeed His very self, in wondrous con descension Jesus showed unto them His nail scarfed hands and spear pierced side (cf. Luke 24:38-40, 41-43). The evidences o f a literal, physical resurrection o f Christ was overwhelming. The disciples were at last, convinced, and gladness takes the place o f fear. “ Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord.” There is n o' other gladness like that which comes from a clear vision o f the risen Christ. Tuesday, September 12 . John 20 : 21 - 23 . Jesus felt it necessary to repeat His mes sage o f comfort. Their unbelieving hearts had not fully taken it in. “ Peace be unto you,” He says. This was a common form o f salutation, but Jesus put new meaning into it. He not merely says, “ Peace be unto you,” but He actually imparts peace (John 14:27; 16:33). Having given them peace He next gives them a commission. That is God’s order, first peace to our own hearts, then a commission to others. The form o f the commission was thrilling, “Even as the Father sent Me, even so I send you” (cf. 61:1-3; Mark 16:15). Having given them the commission He gives them empow erment to carry the commission out, “He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost” (cf. Luke 24:49; Acts 1 :4, 5, 8 ; 10:38). The disciples did not actually receive the Holy Spirit in His fullness at this time (Acts 1:5; 2 :4; John 7:39; Acts 2:33; John 16:7). It was a prophetic act, but there may have been an imparting o f an anticipatory measure o f the Holy Spirit who was to be given in His fullness on the day o f Pentecost. Jesus’ breathing upon them wa$ a symbolical and prophetic act. The Holy Spirit is the holy breath. The word translated'“ Spirit” means
“breath” or “wind.” By breathing upon them and thus assuming to be the One whose breath is the Divine Spirit, Jesus claimed most unmistakably to be Divine (cf. Gen. 2 :7 ; Job 33:4; Ps. 33:6; Rom. 8:9). By reason o f receiving the Holy Spirit thèy were to receive a power o f spir itual discernment by which they would know when men had truly repented and believed, and therefore whosoever’s sins they forgave would be forgiven and who soever’s sins they retained would be retained. It is very evident from the con text that it was not because of any official position they occupied, but because they had received the Holy Spirit, that they were to have this power o f discernment and thu's retaining or remitting sins. So the claims pf the Roman Catholic church built upon this passage that the priest has authority to forgive sins because o f his official position, is absolutely without foundation in the words as spoken. It is perfectly clear that is was not by virtue o f any office that was to' descend upon a line o f successors, but by virtue o f receiving the Holy Spirit, that they were to be able to forgive sins (cf. on this power and its exercise Acts 13:9, 10; 8:20-23; 1 Cor. 5:4, 5; 2 Cor. 2 : 6 - 10 . Wednesday, September 13 . John 20 : 24 - 25 . Thomas full o f doubt and self-will was not with the brethren and so missed meet ing his risen Lord. The other disciples hastened to tell Thomas o f the blessing they had received, “We have seen the Lord, was their exultant cry. Having seen thè Lord they could not keep the fact to themselves. And if we havé really seen the Lord we too have a duty o f testimony;; indeed we cannot keep from testifying. By this time Thomas 'should have been con vinced, but he was not. Thomas had many reasons for believing (Matt. 16:21; John 20:18; Luke 24:13-33), but Thomas would not believe unless he had a certain kind o f proof which in his self-will he presumed to dictate. Thomas has many followers today on his bad side. Would that he had some
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